Thunder shook every tree in the forest, the sky flashed, a great boom echoing through the valley. A weak looking she-cat lay, dead, in the roots of a great oak, three kits lay at her belly, only one, squirming in the cold.
A grey, tabby, she-cat dashed through the forest, trying to escape the storm, bang, another crash of lightning, a tree fell, blocking the cats path, the grey cat, turned, dashing in the other direction. Keep going, don't stop, you can't give up yet. Bang, the storm raged on, the small, squeaky, mewl of a kit, stopping her in her path.
The cat turned, a tree meeting her gaze, looking down, she saw a scrawny cat, dead, three kits at her belly, all, apparently, dead, wait, one moved, it let out another small squeal. Bang, another round of lightning, with haste, the grey cat grasped the small kit in her jaw, continuing her dash to safety. Starclan, let us survive.
Morning light washed over the valley, with no evidence of the previous nights storm, but a single, fallen tree.
FanfictionStormclaw doesn't know where she came from. She doesn't know where she belongs. All she knows is that Adderfang found her, in the middle of the worst storm in the history of the clans, and now she's in Oakclan.