25 things about me part 4 (2017)

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Wow, looking over my older ones...geez things change. Pretty sure for the better, too.

1. Studying for practise exams atm so i'm very cranky. Absolutely ecstatic for the real thing too.

2. Metroid: Samus Returns came out and is amazing, 9 Metroids to go. What an intense gravity suit.

3. Mental illness is the fucking worst. Where did my confidence run off to now? OR Chozo hurt herself in her confusion!

4. I got a tumblr so there's been a huge shift in my 'lexical choice'

5. I wanna be a Psychologist still. Hopefully unis even look at me. Otherwise, Imma work and take a gap year

6. Gods, this world is so fucked up, and people don't get why I'm stressed. I need to learn to shut off my empathy sometimes.

7. This sounds depressing but I'm pretty sure I just have GABA dysfunction, not dopamine issues so I'm all good.

8. Why did I update this twice in 2015? I'm meant to do it once a year, wtf

9. Sense of smell is still dead, I don't even care

10. Waiting for school to finish so I can get a job, get a Switch, afford an apartment with my friends, if that still goes through

11. Life is in a waiting stage at this point before major change, and I'm so ready for major change

12. I still have a very positive outlook on life, I'm lucky that hasn't changed

13. So, um, I pee blood sometimes? Kidney stones, dw

14. Currently suffering from Labyrinthitis, gives me vertigo and hearing problems and shit. Resolve now please.

15. Amedot is still my lifeblood, still waitin' on the hiatus train, toot toot!

16. Speaking of hiatuses, Markiplier took one. Go him.

17. Volunteering at charities to get my self-esteem/people skills back up

18. I fucking put a timestables sheet on the toilet door like a 6 year old because i'm that bad at maths

19. I'm 18. When did that happen?

20. Still waiting for me same-sex postal vote, Aus gov.

21. I'm probably not gonna see a lot of my friends after high school and I feel numb to that. Idk why

22. One of my budgies fucking died 'cause a wild bird attacked it through the cage rip

23. Thinking of changing all my accounts to Chozophilosopher since it's more accurate. When was I ever a fighter? Oh yeah, when I didn't have mental illness.

24. Skyrim soundtrack? Did you mean 'escapism'? (PS3's still dead, waiting on Skyrim Switch)

25. Also, Dance Gavin Dance, baby! (Downtown battle mountain twwwwooooo!!!)

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