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Corbyn: Ashley I need you to call the nurses and tell them what happened okay

Ashley: Okay okay ow ow help me corbyn

Corbyn: im on my way i will be right there hold on

Ashley: Corbyn help

Corbyn: Ash call the nurses


Nurse: Jesus your in Labor

Ashley: owww fuc- AHH OW

Docter: hold on just push okay

Corbyn runs to the uber telling the boys what happened they help christina get all her bags in the car then rush to the hospital where his sister is giving birth

Corbyn: Get me to the hospital now

Uber: im getting my GPS ready hold on sir

Corbyn: My Little Sister is giving birth I need to get there now

Uber: I said hold the fuck on

Daniel: Sorry sir we just need to get there as fast as we can

Uber: what hospital

Jack: The Only Hospital in this part of town

Uber: Shut your smart ass mouth

Zach: Please carry on driving we do not need your opinions on us

Uber: Well why are you guys even here 6 teenagers in LA you guys are probably broke

Jonah: Well Actually we live in Beverley Hills and we are a Boyband that has had 2 sold out tours and 4 albums before one year of being in a band and our most recent album is #1 in Itunes Charts but that doesnt matter right how is your life

Uber: Why Dont We huh

Christina: Just Drive The FUCKING CAR SIR *slaps the uber*

The Uber Finally decided to drive and Corbyn ran out of the car to find his sister with one baby in her hands

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