Chapter 10

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"Well, everything appears to be coming along great", Dr. Wooden commented happily as she shut off the ultrasound machine. "She has a strong steady heart beat. And her growth and development are exactly where it needs to be."

Liv was in her third trimester and there was only eight weeks left until her expected due date. She couldn't believe how fast time was passing. Dr. Wooden when through her usual routine as Ben sat patiently beside Liv. He had only been to two prenatal checkups but he was always attentive and quick to ask questions. 

"What should I expect these last two months?" Liv asked. 

"You may be experiecing heartburn and indigestion. Also, you might have a little trouble breathing and more back pain. But if anything gets to be too much just pay me a visit." They both nod as she asks, "Is there anything you need to ask me?" 

"I read something about Braxton Hicks. Is that something we need to worry about?" Ben asked.

"Oh, yes. Braxton Hicks contractions are usually painless and irregular. You've probably already experienced it but haven't noticed. But if you do experience it and feel it, you may think you're going into labor but you're really not. I would just take notice of the contractions you experience and how far apart each contraction is. Remember, 5-7 minutes apart and you come visit me." 

"Got it." Liv said. 

"Okay, well I think we're done here. But I'd like to see you every two weeks from now on. I want to keep a close eye on you until the baby gets here. There's nothing to be worried about but I just want to make sure everything runs smoothly." 

"Sure thing, Dr. Wooden." 

After the appointment, Ben asked Liv to accompany him while he shopped for furniture to put in his apartment for the baby. He didn't have an extra room like Liv did but he planned on having the a little place for his daughter in his room. They haven't discussed custody arrangments but Ben knew the baby would have to spend the first few months with Liv anyway, so he had time to find a bigger place. But even though the baby would be spending the first few months with Liv, he wanted his daughter to have a place with him too. 

Before they went to the furniture shop, Liv needed to sit and rest for a bit so Ben suggested they sit on the benches outside the shopping plaza. 

He let out a deep breath as he took a seat on the bench with her, "Man, this is crazy. Just eight more weeks and she'll be here." She didn't say anything, just nodded as he added, "What was going through your mind when you found out?" He turned his head to look at her as she did the same "You know, that you were pregnant?" 

She took in a deep breath. That question hasn't been asked in months and it was weird for her to think back to that time and remember how she felt. There were countless moments in her life, important moments, she couldn't bring herself to remember but finding out she was pregnant wasn't one of those moments. No matter what she did or how much time passed, she would always remember how she felt when Dr. Adam's confirmed that she was, in fact, pregnant. A gentle thoughtful smile slowly made its way to her lips when she thought back to the day she found out she was pregnant. 


Liv awkwardly sat in the waiting room of the clinic just a block away from her apartment. Feelings and emotions of nervousness and fear coursed through every vein of her body. The room was filled with women of different ages, some with children, some without, some with very pregnant looking bellies and some accompanied by a male partner. She couldn't help but feel alone and scared. For the past few weeks, she had been experiencing nasea, food cravings and fatigue. She had missed her period and deep down she already knew what was in store for her. She could have easily taken a trip to the nearest drug store and purchased a home pregnancy test but she just had to be completely sure. 

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