Helping out with the bridge

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(Okay everyone, this chapter will be short, don't blame me for running out of ideas. Please enjoy this chapter!)

Sakura pov

I lean on the bridge and sighed, just to keep watch to make sure nothing bad will happen to any of the bridge builders​, especially to Tanzuna. What can I do to pass the time, I'm very bored right now!

"You okay there Sakura, you look ready to die if boredom. And shouldn't you be training with your team?"

"Ugh, I already completed my training, and I will die of boredom if I don't do something right now."

Tanzuna only chuckled and resumed on helping with the bridge, leaving me alone to suffer from boredom. I titled my head back and stared at the sky, pouting that I don't find this interesting, why does Shikamaru find cloud watching so fascinating, it's beautiful yes, but people would easily get bored of this. An idea suddenly popped in my head and I immediately ran up to Tanzuna.

"Hey Tanzuna! Is it possible for me to help out on the bridge!"


"Pretty please, I really want to help!"

"Well, um..."

"It will also help me to build up me stamnia, I beg of you, please?"

I give him puppy dog eyes, making it hard for him to say no, and I could tell many builders that worked close had stopped what they were doing and stared at us. A few whispered to each other, but then shrugged it off and continued working, no paying much heed to us. Tanzuna sighed, then nod his head, and I smiled in victory, finally something to do, I wonder what it feels like a build a bridge, I will soon find out.


Helping out on the bridge sure is fun, and it's surprisingly a good workout for me, I could feel my muscles begin to feel numb from all the heavy weight lifting. But I don't care, this is good training for me, and it will also help opening my chakra network more, giving me more power and chakra to use. With me helping out with the bridge actually helped them to build it faster, isn't that cool?!

"You learn fast Sakura, I'm actually surprised that you knew every detail about bridge building."

"What can I say, I'm a fast learner."

"Indeed you are."

I smiled at Tanzuna while we walked to a grocery store to get some food, but being a poor land, it had hardly anything left to buy. Once the bridge is done and Gato out of the way, these people will be free, and their loved ones will be saved. When we got to the counter to pay, I could feel that bastard behind was going to steal my stuff, so I quickly spun around and hit him in jaws that send him flying out of the store. When I turned around I saw Tanzuna and the cashier looked at me surprised and fearfully. I only give them an annoyed smile.

"He was going to steal my stuff."

Tanzuna only cleared his throat  and thanked the cashier, then walked out of the store with a bag of groceries. I walked behind Tanzuna and waited for the child to pull my by bag, and when I turned around, I stared at the child sadly. He smiled at me while holding his hands out and asked.

"Sorry but do have any thing to eat, or maby money?"

I smiled at him, so I took out a few ryo and placed it in his hands. The child smiled at me and bowed, saying thank you and ran off. I looked back at Tanzuna and stared at him seriously.

"We need to finish, it's these people's​ only hope."

(So yeah, this one is finished, I hope you enjoyed​it, even if it was short.)

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