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  I started to write a story that wasn't angst but...yea. enjoy!


    We live in a world that is 'perfect', to our standards at least. I can see through the deffects unlike most people, though I can't understand why. It's so idiotic how they can't see how problematic this shit is.
   To explain it simply, we live in a society of 'perfect' and intelligent people. If a deffect is found in a person they are eliminated, as in killed.
   No one is perfect, and I think they realize that. In some cases a deffect can be overpowered by a strength, for example; a person may be handicapped but if they have a strong suit in a certain area of intelligence they are welcomed in the society.
   I'm only guessing they haven't eliminated me yet due to my intelligence level. I'm more whitty than most. Of course this leads to some trouble, being a bit too sarcastic. My deffects haven't gone unnoticed though. I have hallucinations and vivid dreams, and constant anxiety. The 'government' has responded to these as possible threats.
   In this society it's quite hard to keep friends. Not only the elimination process, but everyone be belives people should be the same, like robots. Everyone is so damn close minded! Most of my friends I've lost due to this. They hate the fact that I'm slightly different than what the society wants.

     I trudge the empty hallways of my school. I stared down at my feet as the noise of lectures and busy classrooms filled my ears.
    A hall pass was in my grasp, and tears rolled down my face as I walked to the bathroom. I glanced up a moment to peek at the bathroom signs. I hated those signs. It reminded me of skye.
   A flash back ran through my head: A brown haired figure stood in the middle of the two bathrooms. There eyes were pricked with tears as they stared at the two signs. They pondered why they had to choose a bathroom. Why wasn't there a bathroom for everyone. Just maybe a private bathroom for rejects like them. They hated having to go to the girls bathroom just because of an assigned role.
    Skye had come out to me as non-binary. I had watched them in this damn hall way be dragged away. It was the same day. They had had a mental breakdown and was escorted out of the building. I never saw them  again, and I know what happened to them. They were my best friend.
   I stared a minute at the signs wondering how she felt. It was stupid to have assigned gender roles just because of what's in between your legs. I sighed and walked in the boys bathroom.
   I walked into a stall and shut the door silently. Before I knew it I was sobbing on the cold tiled floor. I don't know how long I stayed there, nor did I care, though I knew the teachers did. While I was in the stall I barely could hear a teacher walk in and bang on the stall door. I knew he didn't really care for my needs nor the others. I knew he was only faking his concern. His concern was masking his greed for money. He wanted to make sure he did everything right to get paid. That's really all anyone cared about in this world.
  He left shortly after, realizing I wasn't coming out anytime soon. Dread coated my body. I didn't Wang to be taken away and eliminated. I hoped and prayed he hadn't called the authority's on my misbehavior. What I assumed was hours passed and I had walked out of the stalls. In the time I had spent on there I had heard over five bells most likely indicating the day is over. I trudged out of the bathrooms in the same manner I had come in earlier on in the day. My mind was set on returning home. By home I mean small apartment in the south side of town. It was decent enough and was low cost. Enough to suffice until I head to college.
   Though I wanted to return home, I had quite a few errands to take care of. I headed toward the grocery store after grabbing my motorcycle and helmet from the school parking lot. I parked the bike and headed inside the busy store.
    I threw essentials into the cart and headed toward the cash register. Only a few yards from the cash register I spotted a young boy about two years younger than me. He flashed a smile to me and I could feel everything slow down. He was beautiful. Brown soft hair bounced up and down as he walked occasionally covering his bright hazel eyes. He was slim and fragile looking. He looked as delicate as a flower. I was in awe at this boy in front of me. How can you be that beautiful?
   I blushed, noticing he was staring at me as I was staring at him. Without hesitation he moved gracefully towards me. I panicked trying to think of a solution to the upcoming problem. Is he going to talk to me?
   "Hi! My names T-Toby!" His voice was cheerful and cracked slightly.
   His body was even smaller up close and now I could see more facial features. He twitched every few seconds, which churned my curiosity. Who was this beautiful boy, and why was he talking to me?
    ''I'm Tim." I smiled at the pale boy.

    That's how I met my soul mate. It might be the most cliche love story anyone has everyone has told but I'll never forget it.
   If it was possible that anyone could forget that they lived in a close minded society we accomplished it. We lived in my apartment, only going out for nesasery purposes. We lived without seeing the sunlight for days at a time. I would never go as far to say it was torture. Of course it wasn't. I was happy and that was all that mattered to me. I had found the only person for me.
   On most days we would sit and cuddle on the couch, watching the world surrounding us from my TV. We would sit and tell each other stories about what it would be like to be free from the society and have kids of our own. I promised him we would marry one day and have kids far away from the society. I promised him we would live happily ever after just like in our fairytales.
    "I have a new story!" Toby announced running out of our shared bedroom. "I think this one is my very favorite!"
   The excited boy ran up to me and sat in my lap. He hugged me close as he explained the scenario of him and I running away with two children we would adopt from the orphanage. We would hurry to the border of the society and run through the woods until we found a sign of civilization. We would happily get married and live with our children and teach them to be kind and individual. They would learn not to be like the society.
   We both wanted this. In fact I promised him I would make it happen.
  I held Toby close to my chest as he sobbed. He held his cell phone in one hand and with the other he gripped onto my shirt. We layed in my bed, wrapped in blankets and sheets.
   "W-what if sh-she calls the authority's?" Toby sobbed.
   I held him tighter, in a protective manner.
   "Then they'll have to get through me." I gritted my teeth thinking of them hurting my precious Toby.
   "Timmy?" He spoke after a long amount of silence.
   "Yes my love?" I asked kissing hom gently on the nose.
   He smiled slightly, clinging onto me tighter.
   "I love you, so much." He had said sleepily.
   "I love you too, my little waffle. More than you can imagine."
   I knew he was worried out of his mind, but he acted calm. His breath was slow and paced. I noted he was using a breathing exercise to calm his anxiety.
   He had just admitted to his mum that we were a couple and she had harshly rejected him. She had told him never to return home. I have a horrible feeling she called the authority's and he would be called a deffect and be eliminated. I hoped and prayed they wouldn't take him away from me. No I wouldn't let them. He is all I have. He is my only family and friend. This beautiful boy deserves the world and I want to give it to him.
  It seems as if everything goes horribly wrong 99% of the time. I can remember bits and pieces of what happened next.
   I remember hitting one of the authority's in the head with a bat. One of the intruders stumbled back over a table, waking Toby from his heavy sleep. His head jolted up alerting the authority's. They grabbed him and I started sobbing. The look on his face was heart breaking. He knew what they were here for. I tackled the guard and held him in a choke hold. He was the only gourd conscious and was by far the strongest. He smirked up at me and pushed me off as if I were a toothpick. He grabbed Toby in his strong grip, and my anger rose. I beat on the guys chest as he walked out of the room with the sobbing boy.
   The last I saw of my dear Toby was his face telling me he didn't want to die. "I love you so much tim!" He cried before disappearing in the night.

Word count:1636 (longest chapter I've ever written!) (Haha I'm lazy.)

    Hey guys! Mwahahah! Sorry I'm bad sometimes. Anyways, this idea came as really random. I was thinking of when you gain 'consciousness', it's weird that you can't remember shit when you were a baby but you still were alive. I started thinking of a society that lived like from the smartest people, and the less intelligent people would be killed. I think that kind of already is an idea from a movie so I decided kind of to change it a little. Anyways, I'm sorry it been awhile since I've updated so I think you guys deserved a long story. I did use an oc in this story! Yay! It's skye and there non-binary like me! They are kind of an oc of myself so. :p see ya guys later! Bia!
  (P.s. would ya like me to continue this one????? XD)


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