Chapter 6

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There might be some mistakes!

Zoe's P.O.V.

I woke up on the floor. Julia was sleeping in bed and Lena was sleeping in a chair. She will have huge headache if she doesn't wake up right now. Plus, I am hungry but they are sleeping. 

"Lena, Julia wake up! Wake up!" I started to yell.

"What do you want?" Lena mumbled.

"Its morning and I am hungry..." I said with sad voice.

Julia's P.O.V.

I had such a great dream but then Zoe woke me up. She and Lena talked for a while and then went out from room. I took quick shower and dressed myself. I went downstairs and girls were making breakfast.

"Shouldn't I be the one making breakfast?" I asked them.

"We are making breakfast because you are such a good friend. And also because you are going to meet us with One Direction!" Lena said and started to jump around my kitchen.

"Nope... I know how to make pancakes.." Zoe said polite as usual.

I found note on a kitchen table.

I'm gone for shopping. I'll be back soon.

- Dad 

"Pancakes are over." Lena said.

"Okay. Let's eat and then we are going to dress something." I said.

Niall's P.O.V.

I woke up on a sound of my phone ringing. It was Louis.

"Hey, why do you need us?" He asked curious.

"You'll see. When are you coming?" I said with my morning voice.

"Me and Harry are on our way and Liam and Zayn are coming around 8:15."

"Okay. See you in a minute." I said and hung up.

I got up from bed and made myself a sandwich. Someone knocked but I was too lazy to go and open the door. I knew it was boys and they know how to open door.

"Niall!" I heard Harry yelling across whole house.

"In the kitchen!" I answered to him.

They came in and Harry took my sandwich.

"Hey, that's mine." I protested.

"Its mine now." Harry said and showed me his tongue.

"Is somebody in here?" Zayn yelled.

"In kitchen!" Louis yelled back.

I got message from someone. It was from Julia. Liam sneaked from behind and read my message.

We are on our way.

- Julia 

"Oh, Niall. You are not telling us something." Louis said.

"Who is Julia?" Harry was curious.

 "She's just my friend. She bumped into me on Friday, we met in the club that evening and we went out on Saturday. And today she and two more girls are coming to meet you." I said in one breath.

"Someone is in love." Zayn teased me.

"She's just a friend? I know what kind of friend you are talking about." Louis said and wiggeled his eyebrows.

I wanted to say him something but someone knocked on the door. I went to open it this time.

"Hi, Niall. This are Zoe and Lena." She showed girls behind her.

"Hi..." They said with their minds off.

"Come in, the boys are here." I said and let them in. 

Julia's P.O.V.

I walked in with girls holding my both hands and shaking like leaves on wind. There were four boys sitting on couch and watching at us. First had black hair and brown eyes, second had curly brown hair and green eyes, third had brown hair and brown eyes and fourth had brown hair and blue eyes.

"This are Zayn, Harry, Liam and Louis. Boys this are Zoe, Julia and Lena." He introduced us.

"Nice to meet you." We said.


Sorry for not posting story yesterday. But here is it now.

Hope you like it.

Comment and tell me what you think.

Bye :*

I Wanna Save You Tonight {Niall Horan love story} (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now