16. Staying Up

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How have you guys been liking the chapters?

You are all fucking amazing I love all of you and your comments and votes and occasionally inboxes!!!:)

My birthday is so close omg, May 12th! I'll be the big 16 :D

Comments favorite charector? who's P.O.V you wanna see more of, less of? Favorite part? :)

Love you all you Frickin wankers xx


John Stephen's P.O.V

I sat in the living room of the house that she had been occupying. All but her and Cameron had been in the same room with me and to be frankly honest it was strange.

I had wondered what she did with her job, the little hotel or apartment she had for the 3 months she'd be in L.A. It was almost July, 3 days away. Would she even return? I could try to convince her but it had been obvious that was out of the question.

"Why'd you come here?" The Chinese looking one asked

"Is it any of your business?" I shot

"It is if you will be in our house" The tallest one shot, I think his name was Shawn, I wasn't to sure.

"You may find me the bad guy, hell I know I fucked up. But just remember this girl you're protecting left your friend heartbroken for me a year ago." I told them all

The all shifted uncomfortably. Soon we heard the back door open and in came the two.

Cameron's P.O.V

We headed in, the air seemed to change. It was heavier, almost hard to breathe. All of them looked between her and I. I hadn't mind, but the look they gave made me uneasy. I hadn't seen this look on all of them.

"What happened with you and my sister?" Tiffany had asked the fool. I could say meaner things, he'll not one good thought came to mind.

"Well.. We heard the voice mail and it stressed us out. She couldn't handle it. She felt as it had been her fault, she killed the baby. She drove you to do that. So she said she loved me but couldn't be with me because you needed me more than she needed me" he explained

She rolled her eyes, "since when have I needed you?" She asked

"I don't know, maybe since last year? Or how bout before that? How bout all those times we had sex? You needed me for that. Oh wait how About when you'd cry to me how much you wished your parents loved you or how depressed you were-" she cut him off

"STOP!" She yelled covering her ears and closing her eyes, tears rolling down them.

"Stop what? The fucking truth. You need me and you know it. You don't need this guy, you just think you do because he's nice to you" he continued

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled grabbing him by the shirt and dragging him up.

"You don't know fucking shit" I hissed

"Oh but I do, I've know her almost all her life, and how long have you known her? Since senior year?"

"I'll kill you" I whispered raising my fist

"Like she killed my baby?"

Soon 5 people dragged me away and 2 holded him down

Anger was the only emotion I could feel. My thoughts were clouded and my veins were filled with adrenaline

Tiffany's P.O.V

My eyes were shut, my ears covered. I was on my knees. I blocked out all and I mean all noises. I wasn't mentally ready for anything

Soon two arms wrapped around me, taking me away from the scene. A door closed and I heard "everything will be okay, you're safe. You're okay. I'm here"

I opened my eyes to see Matt rocking us back and forth.

"Before you and Cameron came in he told us things" Matt started

"He told us 'You may find me the bad guy, hell I know I fucked up. But just remember this girl you're protecting left your friend heartbroken for me a year ago.'" He continued

"And were on edge now, because Cameron is our brother. But you're like our sister in a way. And we should let your past mistakes go. And I will and always will" he finished

I cried more and more, tears falling on matts shirt. He gently rubbed my back.

Why me?

Soon I fell asleep, to Matts singing. The song being stuck in my head.

No food to eat, all the money's been wasted from last week
I can't even leave, so I sleep in the basement, making up rap beats
Hot cup of tea, it's four o'clock in the middle of the night, and I can't sleep
It's all on the peak, so bad I can taste it while it eats me

How can I sleep if I don't have dreams?
I just have nightmares
How can it be?
I still believe something is out there

Some part of me feels a little bit naked and empty
I'm stuck underneath a few dirty old blankets to comfort me

And there's a light, and I can see why I'm still alive
Mommy won't lie, cause if she did, I would've died
All the time I sit and try, you think I'd be down
Every night, I'm sick and why, oh, I'm staying up this time

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