More than he told.

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More than he told.

by CALLEN 37


Deeks comes into contact with a drug that turns him into a kid, how does the team cope with this and how do they cope with finding out more about Deeks than he ever wanted them to know about his childhood. Kid Fic. Special thanks to HarmonFreak1. WIP


A/N written on request of SpencReid06, Merci Beaucoup. Also I would like to thank HARMONFREAK1 who graciously allowed me to use the idea of a scientist in this story, this will not be like her awesome story McBaby, which I suggest you check out and her awesome sequel. and last but by no means least, Karen Dunbar whose idea of Deeks falling and getting cut and the Meth lab, ensured that this first story kicked off to what I hope will be a good start.

This story will have disturbing imagery in it and will this chapter has hints to drug use and hints to past child abuse.

Disclaimer I own nothing you recognize.

Chapter 1

Deeks cleared the room nodding to his fellow LAPD officer as he went, "You think the Intel is right?" Rick Santini asked as they opened a door to yet another empty room.

Deeks nodded, "I had Eric at NCIS check out the information." He replied.

Santini looked over at him with disdain, "NCIS again, you can't do anything without running it past them, it's a wonder they let you out on this op." he snapped.

Deeks shot him a look, "I set this op up, I've been running undercover on this for months, and I'm telling you this is a major 'meth' lab." He said.

Rick lowered his gun, and looked around the empty room as two other officers walked in.

"Yeah Deeks, you're Intel is so solid, look around you man, there's nothing here!" Rick holstered his gun in frustration,

"I know I was right I followed her for a month, it was here! She was here!"

"WHO!" Rick shouted he was as mad as hell; he'd been pulled from his regular assignment to be partnered with the station loser. "You're losing it man; you should have stayed with the soft squad."

Deeks balled his fists up, he knew that he had a bad reputation with the LAPD, but Kensi, Callen and Sam were an exceptional team and he knew it.

"I still don't get why you are with us anyway, they get tired of you?" Rick jeered.

"Shut up Santini," Deeks growled.


"No, Shut up, I heard something," Deeks snapped drawing his gun and walking to a room they hadn't cleared at the back.

The door opened to a walkway where the last of the 'Meth-heads' had been clearing out the rest of the stock, there were offices on the walkway but both men's attention was gripped by the activities below.

"LAPD FREEZE!" Santini yelled drawing his weapon.

Deeks heard a noise in the room behind him.

"Carla…Freeze LAPD."

"Max, you…you're a cop?" she ran at him and they tumbled over the railing going through a window as they went landing on the floor in a shower of glass and white powder, Carla had landed wrong, he knew by looking at her that she had broken her neck. Deeks had gotten close to the scientist while undercover he reached out and stroked a stray hair from around her face, "Carla." He sighed he tried to move, but another cop ran up to him, "Don't move helps coming."

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