Part 1- Jacob Wattson

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The school day was coming to a close end. I sat in class hoping for the clock to strike three. The teacher continued to lecture about the Calvin cycle, which to me was pretty boring. Five minutes left until the bell rang. " I know the bell is ringing, but I still have five more subject to go over before the end of our lesson," our teacher said. Her name was Mrs. Havens a biology teacher who had a major in microbiology and was a professor at Yale University. " Yes, Mrs. Havens," we all said in unison. I was kind of getting tired of it by now. We stayed in class so she explained that she was disappointed in the class for the past exam which was based on Protein Synthesis. She went over the questions. But still as tired as all the students were, she still continued to lecture. Five minutes turned to ten. Ten turned into twenty when she finally let us out.

 Her class was actually set up in a college format. All lessons and hours of studying; then came the tests. Each quiz was divided into four sections. Mrs. Havens, had a high expectation out of me because I was the top student in her class. When you don't meet those expectations sometimes you wonder where your life went.  

The most dreaded thing then just happened. As I started to walk out of the room I hear her squeaky voice shouting out at me in indignation.  " Jacob could you please stay a bit I need to talk to you," she said. I packed up my books which were about twenty-five pounds each. "Yes," I say slightly frustrated. " Jacob, I'm actually very proud of your latest test results. But this one, what happened 88 % on the mitochondria, yes, 100 on your first two quizzes, but this one. Why 65 %?" She said.

I looked at her in disbelief. She wasn't my mother whatsoever. " The concept was hard to understand," I say a little frustrated. "Thank you for the offer," I said as I tried to slip out of the classroom. "I can explain it to you" she says hastily. " Or I'll call your dad."
" Do whatever. Anyways my dad is probably worried sick anyways." I say irritated and stormed off into the hallway. In the distance, I hear Mrs. Havens call my dad. " Hi, Mr. Wattson this your son's biology teacher-"

I just ignore it. I walk to my locker, opening it. I find a creepy letter stating:

I miss you!!!!!

There was no name or anything. I would've imagined it could've been my ex-girlfriend, or some girl that likes me.

I continue to walk down the hall when I walked into Berk.
He was a tall like about six feet eight inches. He was seriously on the highschool football team in which it was right next to my school.

"Watch where you're going dork" he said pushing me to the side. I then get up, go up to him and punch him in the face. Suddenly, I feel a rush of adrenaline kick in. As I see the blood from his nose drip. He looks up at me slowly with rage in his eyes. His nose flared like a bull-ready to charge. He jumps tackling me on the ground. Throwing his fists at my face left and right. I felt my warm blood oozing out of my nose. My head was suddenly throbbing from the blows that were being given. I then felt the urge to spit in his face ,throwing him off my ached body. I then jumped up kicking him in the groin forcing him to crouch down on the grown in pain.  The next instinct I get is to kick him again until suddenly, I hear "freeze". Noticing that this time my bad attitude got me into deeper trouble than I was. Unfortunately, now I'm going to jail. I see Berk look behind him.

" BERK ANDERSON TYMOTHY JOHNSON, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" the police officer yells. " Mom" explains Berk.

He gets up towards his mother. She pulls on his ears. " Say you're sorry to Jacob!" She said.

He hesitates. His mother then pulls on his ears.
" Sorry, Jacob," he says in agony. His mother then releases him.  She handcuffs him and myself  this time. As well reading our rights " you have the right to remain silent and words you say now will be used against in court. You have the right to ask for a lawyer......" 

Inside the police car, I see that the police officer wasn't taking me to the police office for questioning. Instead, she took me home. I knew I was in so  much trouble when I got home.

I see my dad, standing on the porch with his arms crossed. She opens the door, uncuffs me, and escorts me to the front porch. I can feel the anxiety build up as she walked behind me. My heart pounded as thousands of scenarios ran through my head as trying  to come up with some excuses. 
" Get inside" I hear my dad whispering passive aggressively. The officer stopped at the door and went to talk to my dad. 

 " Your son is on parole for now. We'll be keeping an eye on him for a while. Right now he might have to do some community service for a while.  Even though his grades are significantly great, he might have to do extra for the city." she said.

 They talked for a while about the further consequences and possible expulsion from the school. 
I waited for a while and finally, my dad closed the door. Yet, the butterflies in my stomach still continued to flutter making me more nauseated than ever. 

 " Jacob, what is up with you lately?" He looked at me with concern. " Don't you understand that you were very close to going to jail," he said in dismay. " Those handcuffs she put on you were just to show you  what it is like to be arrested. Seriously she told me.  And since I am a successful businessman she knows some of my clients and she actually considered saving your life. Honestly, good job for sticking up for yourself, but c'mon the bully is in the hospital." My dad then came up to me to check my bruised face. " If only your mother was still here she would be able to mend your wounds. But seriously, Jacob, the school does not accept bullying. "

" But I wasn't bullying the guy. He literally came up-------" 

" I don't care. All I am saying is keep your nose down for the next couple of days. Because they are keeping an eye on both, you and your bully." " Tell me what is the problem?" He looked at my eyes. I could feel my tears dropping drastically. 

I look down and murmur, " I just feel like I am not enough in this world. There is nothing that I do is right. Why is it, that I was the one that got arrested but not her son. She read me my rights. I don't understand why it turns out that I am the one that is going  into court pretty soon and not my bully. They want to expel me dad. Just for standing up to myself. This isn't fair. This isn't right. "

 My dad looked at me. " No one said there is going to be a court date. Just be careful what you do for the next few days. What made you  so angry today? "  I sighed, " My biology teacher literally was trying to hold me back. I know for a fact that she called you because I heard her call. I didn't want to stay because I just wanted to come home relax review all the wrong answers that I had in the first place. I just want to be a normal kid dad. Why can't we have mom back? Why did she have to die?" 

  " Your mother is the best thing that happened to both of us , Jacob. And when you were born you were the light of my life. There is nothing that can take that away from us. I want you to understand, that your life will always be impacted by the actions that you put into this world. Do you understand me" he said in a lower voice. " You got to be the better person." 

 My dad made me dinner that night but it was a quiet night. I did my homework, watched some Tv and while  wishing for my mother to tuck me into bed just one more time. Boy, do I miss her. 

                                                            THE NEXT MORNING

   As I slowly wake up I feel the pain surge through my body. I get out of my bed slowly. Downstairs, my dad made his usual pancakes, sausage links, and a fruit bowl. I have always enjoyed these as a younger kid. It was a solemn morning as if the world just decided to turn it's back on me. I swiftly ate my dinner, and , 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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