Chapter 1 - Cold Showers

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“ Dani wake up” a soft voice said in an angelic tone.

“ Come on mom. Five more minutes please.” I said while putting my head under the pillow hoping whoever it was would go away.

  “ Dani wake up now you’re gonna be late.”

“ I’m sleepy come back in 2 minutes.”

The room was quiet again for a minute. Then I heard the shower turn on. Must be Chloe my younger sister.

I felt my body get lifted up and thats when I opened up my eye wide. I looked up to see Logans bright blue eyes looking at me.

“Logan what the hell are you doing?” I snapped at him.

“ Well good morning to you too.” He smiled down at me.

He stopped walking when we reached inside the bathroom right next to the shower. I shook my head while my eyes pleaded for him not too. A grin spread across his face as he did what I was pleading for him not too.


“ You seemed like you needed something to really wake you up.” He started  uncontrollably laughing. “ Now hurry up we’re gonna be late.”

He shut the bathroom door and I began the process of getting ready for the long day ahead of me.

It was the end of my senior year and I thank God for it. High school was everything they said it would be. Fun, dramatic, tiring, stressful and I was happy that it was all gone. Sure I’d be away from home in a few months and I’d be on my own but I was ready for it. Today we just go back to grab anything in out of our lockers and just to see everyone before the summer actually starts.

I came out the bathroom and walked into my closet. I threw on a white tank, some light blue shorts and a pair of black toms. I put my hair into a ponytail and put on some black eyeliner. I grabbed my phone and started to make my way downstairs.

“ Good morning mom, dad and good morning Chloe”  

 “ Morning honey” my mom said looking up from her Home & Garden magazine. She was the ultimate housewife.

“ Good morning Sweet Pea.” my dad smiled at me. He continued text on his phone. My dad was the CEO at this big Financial company.

“ Good morning Dani” Chloe said grinning. I loved my little sister.

“ You know a cup of coffee and a simple Danielle wake up would be nice in the mornings instead of getting tossed into the shower.”  I told Logan while taking my seat across from him at the breakfast table.

“ Yeah it would but it wouldn’t be as exciting for me” he said while shoveling the a piece of bacon in his mouth.

 “ Logan stop giving my daughter cold showers without her consent” my mom playfully scolded.

My mom and Logans mom , Dana, were best friends throughout middle school. So of course when Dana and her family moved to Avondale my mother was as happy as can be. The two have been inseparable since.

“ Rebecca you know I love the look that Danielle gets when she’s thrown in the shower. Her eyes open wide and she looks like a deer in headlights.” He and my mother start laughing and I roll my eyes at their bullying.

“ Keep it up you two. Lets go Logan it’s 8:10.” I walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. I walked to the front door with Logan behind me and screamed out “ Bye everybody.”

“ Bye Wesley family” Logan yelled out.

We hopped in the car and we were on our way.

“ You going to Shauns end of the year party tonight?” I asked Logan.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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