3 months later

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"Joon, baby did you get the car keys already?" I asked him from the room. He didn't respond to me. "Jae,honey come here please"i called out to my son,maybe he can ask his appa."yes mommy"Jae says. "Go ask appa if he has the car keys please" i say and he runs out the room. I waited 5 minutes and Jae never came back. "Where are they?"i said. I walk to Jae's room and none of them were there. I go to the living room and nothing i go to the baby's room and i see Joon playing with Juno. "Babe dnt you hear me asking you something?Jae i told you to ask appa about the keys" i say. "Sorry baby girl Juno was awake so i got him up from the crib and Jae was talking to him as well so dont blame him,he did ask me tho,i have them in my pocket ready to go?"he asks while still playing wth Juno and Jae. So cute~. We all head out and go to the restaurant we were invited toby Don-gab and the others for a welcoming for Juno. He was now 3 months old. It was some of there 1st time meeting him and some have already met him but mostly everyone had a free schedules so they wanted to meet Juno.

We arrived at the place and we all get off i get Jae and Joon got Juno. We walked in and went to the area everyone was at"hey wats up Mary,hey Jae buddy how you been,aww look at Juno he so adorable"Jay says,it was his 2nd time seeing Juno. "Jae!"Loco screams out and runs towards Jae,i swear he is like a 4 year old as well. "Samchon!"Jae yells out once Loco picked him up and gave him a high five. Everyone gathered near us as Joon placed the carseat on top of the table so everyone can come see,6 ppl showed up and everyone was saying "hes so cute","omg!he looks just like Dok2 hyung","wow!Dok2 you hit it off"tht came from Simon D lol. Jae was busy playing with a gift Loco got him,as always buying him a toy when we visit or meet up. I was happy he didn't feel left out nobody let him feel tht way and i was grateful they would come see the baby then go talk to Jae or take him to play at the little arcade tht they had here. Joon got up and carried Juno for awhile since he was being fussy from sitting down for long."babe im gonna go use the restroom"i said. He nodded his head and i left. We all had a great time and talked about a lot of things with everyone, and Joon and i decided to go out to the mall and buy Jae his school outfit/uniform since he was gonna start preschool next week.

I held Jae's hand as we walked into the uniform shop,Joon on the other hand he always parts lol,he is mostly in a specific store tho. The shoe store.

"Isn't tht Dok2 oppa" a girl(1)says. "Omg it is Dok2 oppa and hes holding a baby"the other girl(2) said. "Wow! The baby is so cute and looks so much like him"the (3) friend said. They all three waljed up closer to Joon and asked"OMG!Dok2 oppa. It is you,can we have a picture with you please"they asked nicely. Joon wasn't feeling it since he just wanted to buy his 3 month old some shoes to match with him and Jae,but he agreed to take pictures with them and had one employee from the shoe store to carry Juno for a second. "Thank you Dok2 oppa we love you so much,is tht your nephew,he so cute."they say while Joon got Juno back and carried him."This is my son"he responded to them and gave Juno a kiss on the bead."what? You had a son?when was this, there was no article or news about it"the girls said, ppl knew i was pregnant but never knew wen i was due or wat we had, we didnt really want Juno or Jae to be on the spot light but it happened with Jae and some ppl didn't really read those article's cuz they kept asking Joon if Jae was his son and if i was his gf after we dated for months. I guess nobody really saw or read news tht were Dok2 fans lol. "Yea hes the maknae,Juno, his hyung,my son Jae is older than him thobi have 2 sons"he says proudly and kisses Juno a lot on the head and cheeks. The girls looked at each other shocked to hear he had 2 kids and they didnt even know"wow! Congrats Dok2 oppa,he is cute"they said and Joon jusf happily walked away and kept talking to the shoe store employ about the shoes he was looking for and if they had the sizes he needed. The employ rang him up and Joon was stopped by me and Jae "babe you went to the shoe store again"i say. He looks at Juno and then back at me then nods his head. He shows me the bag and says he'll show me wat he bought once we get home. "Baby take a picture of me yea"Joon says. So i do.

He was caring Juno while i took it

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He was caring Juno while i took it .(not my picture got it off google lol,he will make a great appa someday no doubt)

We headed to a cafe since me and Joon both wanted a coffee to drink."appa lets play a game yea?"Jae says to Joon. Joon nods his head and the end up playing rock-paper-scissors,Jae said loser had to be flicked in the forehead."i win appa,i wont do it hard promise"jae says and joon lifts his hat a bit.

"i win appa,i wont do it hard promise"jae says and joon lifts his hat a bit

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"Ah!"Joon pretends,as he holds his head in'pain'."appa did it hurt,im sorry appa"Jae says while getting teary. Joon sees Jae was gonna cry and carrys his up and tells him"appa is ok,see,it doesnt hurt"he says while lifting his hat off to show him he had no mark anywhere near his face. Jae smiles and wioes his tears away and gives Joon a kiss on the forehead. "So are you excited for preschool my son"Joon asks Jae."ani i want to be home with you,umma and ,juno" Jae responds. Joon looks at me as if in asking me what he should say next since Jae is saying he doesnt want to go to school."but ur a big boy and big boys go to school to learn and have fun,u will make chingus also,then wen u come home u can tell appa and umma what u did,and wen Juno is bigger u can tell him school is cool and help him to learn new things"Joon says to him. Jae stares at him then starts thinking hard "okay appa ill go to preschool to help Juno learn new things"Joon hugs him and tells him tht he made a great choice. I was so happy to have such a great husband and kids in my life.

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