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Look at that smile! She makes me want to fall over! Damn I am lucky to have this beautiful girl in my life!

Look at that smile! She makes me want to fall over! Damn I am lucky to have this beautiful girl in my life!

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She's so beautiful when she's all natural. I love when she doesn't even try to dress up.

I love how when we go to the gym she looks fine as hell

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I love how when we go to the gym she looks fine as hell. I love it even when we pick up the kids from school or drop them off she's there looking gorgeous as ever. Not a care in the world on how she has done her hair in the matter of a few minutes.

 Not a care in the world on how she has done her hair in the matter of a few minutes

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She makes me feel blessed for the life I live. I am blessed to have created beautiful children with her! I am happy with my girl no matter what. Through thick and thin I'll be there to protect and love her.

Bebe I love you.


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