1- anxiety

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You suffer from occasional anxiety attacks and one thing that scares you more than a lot of things are storms. Thunder, lightning, heavy rain, hail etc.

You were sat in Wyatt's room on the bed. You were on your phone and Wyatt was watching the TV. The noise of rain outside went from light showers to now heavy droplets. You glanced out the window, watching as the storm developed. The wind was whistling and blowing trees back and forth. The rain was also now making loud noises on the windowpanes. Wyatt noticed you looking worriedly outside.

'Want me to shut the blinds?' Wyatt asked, acknowledging that you were probably feeling a little bit anxious. You shook your head quickly, you didn't want Wyatt to think you were that much of a baby.

'Sure?' He asked again.

'Sure.' You replied and forced a quick smile.

Wyatt smiled back and returned to the television. This time he placed his hand gently on top of yours on the bed. A warm feeling shot through your stomach, giving you that familiar warm feeling. He rubbed his thumb gently across the top of your hand, back and forth. The rain got louder and so did the wind. Hail was starting to fall as well. You tried as hard as you could to pay it no attention but you couldn't ignore your heart beating ever so slightly faster and your palms getting ever so slightly sweatier. Your breathing must of got quicker and heavier because wyatt turned to you once again.

'Are you alright? Just let me know if you're not feeling good.' Wyatt asked, his brow furrowed.

'I'm a little anxious.' You mumbled.

'Do you wanna go the bathroom?' Wyatt said. The bathroom was at the back of wyatt's house. It had no windows and the door locked. When your anxiety kicks in, you find it helpful to go and sit on the floor of the bathroom and calm down. Wyatt would sit with you of course.

'I'm good, for now.' You shook your head. You put down your phone and shut your eyes and tried to focus on your breathing. Wyatt didn't let go of your hand. You had just about managed to calm yourself down just a little bit when a loud crack of thunder sounded outside. You jumped and let out a tiny squeal. Thunder was your least favourite. You hated the sudden, loud noise. It made you panic and feel unsafe. Your heart rate had gone through the roof as the thunder continued. The hailstones were big and incredibly loud on the window pane. Wyatt's phone lit up with an extreme weather warning. He didn't say anything, as to not worry you anymore but you knew exactly what it was.

'You're alright, love. Just breathe in and out for me yeah?' Wyatt smiled. At this point, you were in tears with the continuous thunder, rain and hail. Wyatt got off the bed and stood up. He pulled you to your feet with him. He then wrapped his arms around your waist and rested your head on his shoulder. You swayed gently back and forth as he kissed the top of your head repeatedly. He whispered softly in your ear the whole time:

'I'm right here with you, baby. I'm right here.'

Wyatt's firm grip was reassuring but once you started getting yourself worked up it was really hard to relax again. Your breathing increased and the thunder got louder and louder. Your chest was moving up and down at quite a speed and tears flowed down your cheeks. Wyatt looked even more worried now and you felt bad for putting him through this. You started babbling hysterically:

'What if the house gets flooded? Or the hailstones smash the windows? Your mom's not here Wyatt, how would we evacuate if we need to?'

Wyatt lay you down on the bed and placed your hands up by your sides. He held you down by your wrists. This made you feel secure and safer. He swung his leg over so he was straddling you and looked into your eyes. He wiped the tears from your cheeks and looked at you seriously.

'I need you to calm down for me, ok? No one is evacuating and no windows are getting smashed. I'm here, I've got you. I promise, I've got you.' He spoke in a firm but gentle tone. He was rubbing his thumb up and down your wrists. Your breathing slowed slightly and the tears stopped flowing.

'We're gonna breathe in and out together, ok? Can you do that with me?' He asked. You nodded and the two of you breathed in out and slowly for a couple of minutes. When you were calmed down Wyatt lay down next to you and covered you with a blanket. He wrapped his arms and legs around your body, just so you would know that he wasn't going anywhere. You relaxed immediately in his familiar scent and wondered how on earth you were this lucky.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2017 ⏰

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