Chapter 1:

474 10 3

(Play music whenever you want ummm sorry no nalu it would be a nali sorry)

Lucy's POV:
I think i'm going to leave Fairytail to train my original power before celestial magic then i'll join a different guild. K so you might be wondering why I want to leave Fairytail right? Yeah so I always have to be saved so I might as well train to get stronger and then you wondering why I have to leave Fairytail to do that so my reason is because I think it's time for me to leave so I can train better without my friends knowing. I think i'll leave after Master's announcement."Listen up brats it's about that time of year again where we have the S-class exams so the people participating in them will be....

Natsu Dragneel
Gray Fullbuster
Juvia Locksar
Cana Alberona
Freed Justine
And Elfman Strausse
so everyone needs a partner so get picking and pack your things for tomarrow we leave at 10 am!" Master yelled. After masters announcement I decided to go to his office.Knock Knock"Come in"."Hey master can I leave Fairytail? and before you ask no nothing happened I just think it's time to leave and go train those powers."
"Alright fine give me your hand and then you can go so do you want me to tell anyone?"Master asked while smiling sadly."Umm no because you know if you do Natsu and Erza and Gray will try to stop me forcing me to use it. So before my mark disapeares can I go on one last job as a Fairytail mage?"I asked while trying not to cry."Of course you can but you do know they will notice you missing sooner or later right?"Master asked."Of course I know how about after I leave on the misson you tell everyone who isn't going to tenrou then while halfway there you tell the tenrou people about it so they can't stop me and give them these letters after the first trial." I said while giving Master the letters."Yeah sure bye Lucy."Master said while trying not to cry."Bye"While I was walking to the door Wendy busted in and she said"Lucy-san you can't leave i'll miss you too much!"Wendy said while crying."Wendy you weren't supposed to hear that and you aren't changing my mind"I said while nearly crying."Fine if your leaving I am too and you can't stop me from going with you." Wendy said very determinedly."Fine talk to master.""Master" "I got it you can go on the job with Lucy then after the job is over your mark will dissapeare too." Master said while crying.

"Come on Wendy lets go pick ou our last job as FairyTail mages. And you can't tell anyone what you see during the job. Got it?"I asked. "Yes Lucy-san...Can I call you Lucy-nee?"Wendy asked very cutely. "Of course Wendy if you want to." "hey Mira can Wendy and I go on this job?"I asked while showing Mira the job.

"sure see you soon."Mira said while stamping it.

"Wendy get Carla and pack your things i'll have Virgo come pick them up afterwords."I said while walking out of the guild with Wendy.
"KK Lucy-nee."Wendy said happily while skipping away and explaining things to Carla.

"Open Gate of the Maiden...Virgo" I chanted after I got in my house."Yes Hime...punishment time?" Virgo asked while bowing."Umm no...but can you pack my important things then put them in the spirit realm for me then sell my other stuff while I talk to my landlady?" I asked Virgo while walking out."Yes Hime"Virgo said while putting everything away for me."Umm hello miss landlady can I talk to you?" "yes what do you need now Lucy?" she asked "Well I was going to tell you i'm moving out so here is this monthes rent and my keys to the apartment." I said while bowing in respect."Okay thank you and have a good rest of your life Lucy i'll miss you."She said while smileing sadly. After that I decided to walk to Fairy hills to help Wendy with her packing. "hey Wendy you need any help in there?" I asked while knocking on her door. "umm no Lucy-nee I just finished all I need is for Virgo to put it where ever she put yours."Wendy said while opening the door and smileing."Kay i'll call Leo to get your stuff for Virgo. Open Gate of the Lion...Leo" I chanted."Hey princess whatcha need?"Leo asked smiling."All I need is for you to do is bring Wendy's stuff to Virgo for me. Thank you" "anything for you princess"Leo said charmingly. "Hey Wendy you ready to go?" I asked complety ignoring Leo after he said yes." Ummm yeah sure I just need to talk to Mika she gave me my room here."Wendy said while thinking."K so now we can go to the train station then i'll tell you about the job we are going on k?"I asked while smiling at Wendy."K Lucy-nee we can go to the train station now then you can tell me about the job we will be doing before training."Wendy continued. "Alright Wendy can you get 2 tickets to Acalypha for us? Seeing as I don't think Carla needs one. "I asked."Okay Lucy-nee."After Wendy got the tickets we gott on the train when it got here then I told Wendy about the job.

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