Truth or scare

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"Truth or dare was a horrible idea." I said to myself "it's past midnight, I'm stuck in some old abandoned house and the door is now locked. Will things get any worse!" I silently shouted to myself. That's when I heard something. I was hoping i was just hearing things but it was my name being called. "Abbie." "Abbie." "Abbie." Every time just a bit louder. The floor creaked when I turned around to see nothing. I kept walking straight for a while and the floor kept creaking. A door was at the end of the hall, I could see bits of green shining out of different spots. I slowly walked towards the door not caring or thinking about that old creaking floor and everything else around me. As I reached near the door I heard it again. "Abbie." Same thing, louder each time. My hand touched the doorknob as a frightening chill went up my spine. There was a happy sound coming from inside the door. Children laughing, people dancing to music, it just sounded so much fun. I leaned closer to the door only having some chills now when BOO! It was all I heard and came from behind me. I screamed when I heard it and someone or something had pushed me into this green spiral thing that seemed fun when hearing laughter. I looked towards the door as I was falling deeper and deeper. I heard the laughter but it wasn't how I heard it earlier. It was still children but with red eyes and ripped clothes and it sounded like they were laughing at me not with me. They almost looked possessed and no one was actually dancing. It was just creepy music that sounded like fun from the other end. While I was now focusing on where I was I didn't hear the broken glass and everything else that had fallen when I crashed. I didn't know where I was at all. I mean it looked a lot like my actual town but every child, every parent every..thing was possessed. My big blue eyes didn't fit in at all with these creatures. I stood as frozen as an ice cube and I felt like I just wanted to melt and get out of this place. A girl walked up to me. She was wearing a long black coat with a black and red top and black jeans with dark shoes. "Hello I'm" She said to me. Her eyes were dark and a bit shadowy. She had told me the same thing happened to her. "Happened?" I replied. "Yeah, in 1345." Lucy replied "Whoa, why are you still here then and why do you not look old?" I asked quickly as if I was in a rush " I fell into the trap also and since, i've been stuck here also, here it's like a whole new magical world so I never grew up." All I could think about after that was that the door was all just a trap and maybe Lucy could help me get back to my real home and not the one that just looked like it. Also, she would be able to escape from being in here. "Quick hide." Lucy snapped at me. " what? Why?" "Just do what I say!" She snapped again. We both hid quickly. "Lucy what's going on? Don't you want to try and get back home?" I asked. "What's going on is that woman over there." I wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying after that. I knew her. That was the creature that pushed me in here and trapped Lucy,me and all the other now possessed people in here. If everyone here started human like me, what was going to happen to Lucy and I? Lucy was already close to being dead. She would've been by now. "She will possess you like everyone else unless you stay close to me and if I go home I won't have any parents. It's like time travel but I got stuck here and my parents are already dead." Lucy finished. So there was multiple choices to do now for me. I could find a way out here but that would be hard without Lucy. I could also get Lucy to help and set us all free but she wouldn't have a family and no one would know her. Or I could just stay here for centuries and risk being possessed. Once the woman left I told Lucy all my choices I had made. She said only the last one would work because there's no way out. "There has to be a way back Lucy!" "

No!" "Now just do what I say!" Lucy yelled back. As Lucy and I were hiding behind an ancient looking rock, Lucy started to calm down. " the truth is that there is a way out but everyone will be the age they should be once they leave." Lucy said. "The only person that knows how to get out is the only other person that hasn't gotten possessed yet, and you have to get past the woman first to get to him." "What's his name? Also, what does the woman have to do with it?" I asked her. "His name is Toby and the woman is wait, you haven't even told me your name yet." "Ok my name is Abbie now continue." "Ok, so the woman used to be a orphan in that same house we all got trapped in. When the orphanage got abandoned she got left behind and now anyone that comes in she wants trapped." We were still hiding behind the rock just in case until I found a lump in the dirt. I dug it up and saw a book. We both glanced for a second at it then opened it. It was very old but we could still make out every word. There was a colorful piece of paper sticking out the middle of the book. I took it out and blew the dirt off. "A map!" Lucy screamed covering her mouth after. The map led right to Toby! The way out of here and saving my new friend was right in front of my eyes. The only problem was that we had to get past the orphan woman. That was almost impossible considering if you went anywhere near her she would possess you. Lucy and I peeked over the rock and saw no one. We started looking at the map and making our way to Toby. It took about two hours to at least avoid all walls, giants and many more creatures that popped up in our way. When Lucy and I showed Toby the map and after I explained how I got here plus telling him my name, Toby ripped the map. "What are you doing!" I yelled at him. Toby didn't say a word. He just pulled out a tiny piece of an old map and placed it between the two parts that were ripped. Lucy studied it for about two minutes. Toby showed me a part on the map and said that it was where we were right now. I was in total shock. He then told me that if I started at this exact place and went straight down town it would lead me right to a portal back home. I started walking down town with Lucy and Toby. On the way there we saw the orphan woman. All I could think of was getting possessed by a haunting woman that can switch dimensions. Once we all saw her, Toby found a rock big enough for us to hide behind. She walked away after about five minutes of us hiding. How tiring was that and not to mention being freaked out for life! We ran so fast as I was going I couldn't even see Lucy and Toby beside me. Yet I still knew they were there. TOBY WAS RIGHT! The piece that he had put between the ripped map had led us right to the portal! Just like the first one, it was glowing green. But this time, it was coming straight up from a hole in the ground. It was like a miracle happening right in front of my eyes. I stood in front of the hole while holding my arms out so Lucy and Toby wouldn't fall in. I looked up and down the green and turned around. I hugged Lucy tightly and started to cry. I thanked Toby for helping me to get here and then hugged him also. I then jumped into the glowing green hole. I yelled goodbye on my way in but no one heard. Suddenly, all I heard was a thump on the ground. I looked up and the green slowly dissolved and I was back in the orphanage from truth or dare. It was still dark but that door was suddenly no longer there. I turned around when I heard a creak from the door to come in. It was Lucy and Toby! "Abbie, what are you still doing here?" Lucy said. "Lucy but you-". I had gotten cut off. "Who's Lucy?i'm your best friend, maya?". I didn't remember my best friend? What had another dimension done to me? I knew I was there but my head was still somewhere else. I apologized to them anyway. Yet all they did was stare at me like I was crazy. "Come on let's get out of here" Maya said. The three of us started walking to the door. The boy I couldn't remember as much but strangely knew his name, opened the door for us all. I turned around one last time staring at what was still a blank wall. I felt the cool Breeze flow through my hair and onto my neck as I wondered about Toby and Lucy. "Are you coming?" Asked Maya. I turned to them like my head was up in the clouds and I was down here. "Ya", I said as I started walking. We all then left the building but I had wished Lucy and Toby were here with me but I knew in my heart it wasn't where they belonged. On our way back home, my other friend Jeremy had asked me if I had an idea for my writing assignment. I didn't turn to him but I nodded and smiled. "Ya", I replied to him. I knew just what to write. I remembered every detail, every friends and everything that happened. I knew the teachers, the principal and my class wouldn't believe my story, but I knew it happened and I will always believe it. In fact, I'll never forget it. I was right about everyone not believing me, and I may have gotten a few paper balls thrown at me for such an non-realistic story, but like always I just stared off and smiled. Plus who knows maybe it will happen to one of them one day and let's just see how realistic it is to them.

By Jessie

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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