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All characters are same or cabir is not gay part star with 69 & 70 episodes

Nandini is talking to her firfles saying that should I tell him your secret. She turns around and hits Manik and the jar falls but Manik once again catches it.Maniik gives the jar back to Nandini and she thanks him. Manik says that finally a big day, Nandini says not compared to yesterday.

Manik says that it has been a long journey from the day you punched me till yesterday. Nandini agrees and Manik says that when you punched in front of everyone I got obsessed with you though my friends said that you were not my type. Manik says that I knew that I wouldn’t rest and you should be proud of yourself as you have been the biggest challenge of my life. Nandini says that I can’t understand to what you are trying to say and Manik says that you are poor as you never think and she remembers to what the things he did to her.

Manik says that let me put this in plain language and Nandini says that don’t say. Manik turns around and says that mission

Nandini Mutri is accomplished from that punch to the kiss. Manik says that it has been a pleasure while Nandini says that if this you silly stupid trick then don’t do this. Manik says that why don’t you believe me, are you sure, so stop me. Nandini remembers all the things Manik said to her and thinks of them as evil. Nandini says that this was how you wanted to know how I felt. Manik wipes his tears and says that do you have any doubt.

Nandini says that prove this doubt wrong and Manik says that why would I. Nandini says that what do you want to say and Manik says that let me cut it short for you and he pastes that the Fab5 victim sticker on her forehead and laughs as Nandini cries. Manik says that did you think that I would let you go and the kiss could have been done in public.

Manik says that I have a class unlike you, he comes close and she pushes him away. Manik keeps on mocking her and then says that it has been a pleasure and leaves.

Aur story next part se start hogi

Manan :- It's started with musicana nightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें