The Memory Lane

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            She parted her hair and laugh at her own reflection. What was she thinking at all? She smiled to herself. Alfredo Salazar. Her hand caught the handle of the hairbrush, and gently,  she stroke her hair with it. Just this morning, he caught up with their boat to Antipolo.
             And tonight in the charity ball, he rebuffed her advances. What was in his mind? Is he interested with her? Or... She wrinkled her nose and creases appeared in her forehead. Julia Salas. That woman. She’s practically getting under her skin. She’s too obvious. The way she laughs and looks at him.
              “Esperanza?” Her eyes shifted from her reflection in the mirror and unto the woman at the opened door. Her mother, a woman  of elegance and virtue.
             “What is it, Mother?” She smiled and stared back at her reflection. If her mother finds out what she just did tonight.... Unconsciously,  she stops stroking her hair. What if she's here to give her a ‘box in the ear’? For shame!
“I was thinking about this gentleman, who's with us in the boat early this morning.” She laughed innocently at her mother.
“But there's so many of them in that boat, Mother. Who are you talking about?” Realizing she stopped, she resumes on brushing her hair.
“Alfredo Salazar. The young lawyer.” Her mother gaze at her in the mirror. Gauging her reaction? She guessed.
“And what about him, Mother?” Her mother moves  from the door and suited herself on standing behind Esperanza's seated figure.
“I know you, daughter.” Her mother reach for the brush and started to stroke her hair with it.
“A hundred times, Esperanza. To keep this locks shiny.”
“What is it that bothers you, Mother?”
“You like him, don't you?” She looks up and find her mothers face. A little smile playing at her lips.
“You don't like him for me? Is that it, Mother?” Her eyes wanders around her mothers face.
“I heard that he's been engaged. I hoped you know what you are doing. I know that you are a smart lady.” With that, her mother kissed the top of her head, and went out of the room.


Their laughter echoes in the hall. Such a melody to her delicate ears. She looked at the window and find the flowers blooming. May....


“Santacruzan?” Esperanza laughed at her friends expense. It's the month of May, and all the pretty girls in their place wants to take part in the upcoming event.
“I asked the Hermana Mayor and she told me so.” She laughed again.
“And why can't you go again?” Carmen – Esperanza’s childhood friend, took her hands.
“Please... Esperanza, take my part. I can't go because Vicente is sick and I have... as his fiancee, to look after him.” She pities Carmen. She's been preparing for this since April, and now she had to back out. Love. She can't understand it. Carmen hid a smile. She knows that Esperanza will agree with her.
“Who's your escort, Carmen?” Esperanza looked out of the Azotea. The townspeople. She pondered. They are really excited. Colorful banderitas hunged in the streets.
“Oh! I don't know.” Carmen exclaimed. Which gained an exasperated sigh from Esperanza. Carmen let go of Esperanza's hand and fans herself.
“How come you don't know?” Esperanza caught the scent of the blooming flowers nearby. It is May again, she thought. And that was May too. Alfredo Salazar. The young lawyer from Europe. She didn't know if that was love she felt, or just an infatuation because of his good looks.
“Esperanza?  Are you listening to me?” She blushed.  She was ashamed that her thoughts are scattered like the leaves at the garden. She was caught.
“All I heard is.... He is the Hermana Mayor's nephew. He's visiting them and they asked him, if he can participate in the SantaCruzan---”
“And he 'acceded'?” Esperanza asked.
“Why  not? It was just a small favor.” Carmen smiled at Esperanza's reaction.
“The fruit doesn't always fall far from the tree, Esperanza.” Esperanza  blinked. Surprised by Carmen's words. She knows that it was intended for her. Her face flushed and suddenly she remembered the 'abaniko' in her hands.
“The weather is hot today.” Esperanza fanned herself.
“Aren't you going? I thought that you have to travel, as soon as possible? It’s a long journey after all. Surely, Vicente needs you by his side.” Esperanza smiled at Carmens direction.
“I supposed that you are agreeing?” Carmen asked smiling at Esperanza.
“Ofcourse. You asked for my help. I'll go.” Carmen nodded and bid her goodbye.
Esperanza watch as Carmen's figure descend from their Azotea, and ascend inside the waiting carriage.

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