Chapter One~ I'm a new maid?

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(Mika's P.O.V)

My mother told me to go to the Ichinose Mansion after school for the new job. I still don't know what it is but I do need a job though.

Right now I was walking to the Ichinose Mansion. I made it to it and saw a black hair guy looking like he was waiting for someone. He looked at me and started walking towards me. 

"You must be the new  maid." The man said.

My eyes widen when he said that. 

"W-wait, what?" I said. 

"Oh is your mother not Krul Tepes." He asked. 

"Well she is but I didn't know that I had to become a bloody maid." I growled a little.

"Well can you at least come inside so that we can talk about this?" He asked and I agreed.


We talked about himself a little. His name was Guren Ichinose. He told me that I was gonna be his son's personal maid. 

"Why does your son need a personal maid anyways." I asked him. Confusion showed on my face.

"Well because he is always trying to sneak out of the house to meet his friends. He also doesn't clean up after himself. It's just plain annoying." Mr. Ichinose complained. I tried to stop myself from giggling, but completely failed. 

He glared at me before sighing. "Ugh, kids these days." He complained again.

But in all seriousness, I started to think about it. I'm basically gonna get paid to watch after someone. Sure, I would have to socialize, but my mom is always complaining about me not having friends.

"I accept." I said. He started jumping up and down, but stopped and blushed in embarrassment.

He cleared his throat. "W-when can you start?"


I got a tour of the mansion, and I got to say, I am jealous. This house is so pretty. The design is marvelous. The interior and exterior is perfect. I could fanboy about this house all day long.

Mr. Ichinose cleared his throat, breaking me from my fanboying thoughts. I looked at him and saw that his son was staring right at me.

I blushed. "H-hello, i'm your new maid/ caretaker person... thing." I tried to explain but failed.

He chuckled. "Yeah, my idiot dad already explained," He's eyes traveled down my body, making me blush. "Haven't I've seen you around school before?"

"Y-yeah, we are in the same classes." I replied and looked down, too embarrassed to look at him in the eye. I've kinda had a crush on him since sophomore. We're now in our senior year. I know it's too late to ask him out, but oh well. I'll get over it... I hoped.

"Oh yeah... you're that shy kid who talks to no one. Huh, maybe we can become friends." He said and winked at me. I blushed and looked to my side. I was now staring at a picture of Yuichiro and his family. The picture was of him with his mom and dad, but his mom is dead. She died two... three years ago? I don't remember.

Mr. Ichinose cleared his throat again, gaining our attention. "Good, I have your guy's attention. Yuu, this is Mikaela but call him Mika for short and Mika, this is Yuichiro but just call him Yuu for short. Now i'll leave you two alone to get to know each other. So Yuu, don't try anything."

He glared at Yuu and walked up the stairs, most likely going to his bedroom or office.

"Pssh, what does he take me for, a playboy?" Yuu-chan complained. 

I blushed. Yuu-chan? Where did that come from?

I felt a hand wrap around my wrist, breaking me from my thoughts. Yuu was dragging me up the stairs to what i'm sure is Yuu's room.

"Lets hang out." He simply said.

We made it to his room. The room had dark green wallpaper, which matched Yuu's eyes... kinda. His eyes are lighter but they are still green.

His bed sheets were a light blue. They matched his blue rug that had clouds on it.

He pulled me onto his bed. I couldn't catch myself in time so I just landed on his bed, face deep in the sheets.

He laughed. "Dang, already making this your home?" He teased. He walked around his bed and sat in front of me.

I got up and sat criss-cross- applesauce. A blush painted my face when I saw him starting me down. Why is he looking at me for? I'm not special or anything.

"So Mika... why did you accept the job? Is it because you like me and you just wanted to be closer to me." He leaned closer to me, he face only centimeters away from my face.

I blushed and started waving my hands around. "N-no! I-I forgot you lived here. My mom told me to come here cause I wanted a job. I only realized that this was your house when I saw a picture of you in Mr. Ichinose's office, and the fact that he told me your name." I explained, my face completely flushed.

Yuu laughed and cringed. "Haha, I was just teasing. Also, please don't call my dad Mr. Ichinose, that's to formal."

"But his my boss, it would be disrespectful if I called him anything else." I told him.

He smirked. "Well," He leaned even closer and whispered in my ear, "You are my maid, so that means i'm your boss..."

Yuu's voice was aggressive. I shuddered, but kept quiet since I didn't know what to say.

I felt Yuu chuckle against my ear. "Aw, got nothing to say. That's cute." He stuck his tongue out and licked my ear. I bit my lip to keep me from moaning. H-how did he know that my ears are sensitive.

He pulled away and smirked. "So... how old are you?"


I've been meaning to edit this story forever but I never did, until now. Well, I only edited one chapter so far but i'm kinda rushing. I'm up past my bedtime. Five hours to be exact. I suck at sleeping. 

ANYWAYS! I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day/night!

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