Character Informtion!
Name: Cinderella ‘Cinder’ Scarlet
Birthday: February 10th
Branch: Elementary
Alice: Fire, Water
Star Ranking: N/A
Personality: Usually She's Very Sweet, until you make her mad. Then she's sarcastic and rude. It's usually pretty hard to make her lose her temper. She's not what you'd call a trouble-maker, but she's not an angel either.
Name: Renee ‘Re-chan’ Scarlet
Birthday: August 4th
Branch: Middle
Alice: Ice
Star Ranking: N/A
Personality: She's pretty carefree, and gets into trouble quite a lot. Even if she's supposed to be the oldest, Cinder is more responsible than she is. She has a really short temper. (Almost shorter than Natsume's! O.O )
Nicole's Note:
Well, that's our character introduction! The first chapter should be up today, the girl with black hair is Cinder. Renee's pic will be in the first chapter!