I told him

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"Daniel.. uh.. I'm pregnant.. and the baby is yours." I said looking down "What the hell, Haleigh!?" he yelled. "Hey! It takes 2!" I said "Okay, We will talk about this after school, I have to go to 3rd period." he said walking off. I can't believe I'm pregnant. What am I gonna do..

"Okay, i'll help with the baby. I'm sorry I did this to you." he said, hugging me. I can't believe it I think I might be falling for him again.

Ring Ring

Me: Hello?

Daniel: Hey, are you busy?

Me: Not at the moment, why?

Daniel: Can I come over? I want to talk about the baby.

Me: Yeah, my parents aren't here they are gone for the rest of the week. They don't know yet.

Daniel: Okay thanks. I'll be there in 15 minutes.

Me: Mmk, bye.

Knock Knock

"Hey!" he said hugging me. "Hi, let go up to my room and talk!" I said smiling.

"I'll be there to help." Daniel said smiling. "But there's so much to do.. with everything. Diapers, clothes, crib! I don't know how we are going to make it work.. we are still in highschool!" I started crying "It will be okay, trust me." he said. I don't know if I should trust him.. last time I did that look where I ended up! Then.. I found myself kissing him.

30 minutes later...

"We shouldn't have done that.. you're dating Cameron." I said "Yeah I know, I guess I'm falling back in love with you Haleigh.. I love you." he said kissing me.

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