◜ LET GO ◝

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It was still night, in an hour the darkness was going to lift from the town and here the young girl was, following each step of the little plan she had made.

The clock on her bedside read 4:30, her red hair was dropping down in waves, over her long black sleeved shirt, with a small cherry pin above her heart. She grabbed her pair of red high heels and quietly sneaked to her older brother's room, which was two doors down. Their parent's room was on the first floor while their's was on the second one.

Morgen, her older brother was waiting for her with half opened eyes, sleep invading his every sense. The moment he saw her, he shook the sleep off, "Ready?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Arden nodded, slipping on the marron leather jacket on her grasp. She quietly opened the door again, Morgen lifting up her two brown bags with her clothes and shoes along with everything else she needed and followed her out, quietly sneaking down.

She was taking a week of relaxation, she had contacted her old friend, Camilla, and she was waiting for her in Texas, a few hour from where she was. They had made plans and everything was basically perfect, every detail, because that's how the young girl was, a perfectionist.

And she had no doubt in mind that everything was going to go as she planned, but little did she know that fate wasn't on her side as she got on her old, red car and began her journey after giving her brother a quick hug. "Be carful." He had whispered before letting her go.

It seemed like a normal parting, one that they had one too many this days, or that's what she liked to believe. If she was going to see him again in a week, why did it feel like that would be the last?

Why did it feel like everything
was going to go to shit soon?

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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