Day Seven

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Hey guys, just a reminder that I try to keep this fic, like, mostly PG... so, when you read this, don't get too worried. This chapter starts with a flashback of Will's in the form of a nightmare-- Nothing's really going to happen, it only gets as far as tormenting ('only tormenting'... what have I come to?). I'm never going to write smut in this book (or, ever, in any case), so no worries. Just be careful of this because it references non-con and pretty bluntly displays how Dipper is a Horrible Person and there's definitely a scary power dynamic going on between them. So, if you'd like to skip it, I'll mark the end with this: 😶

Will was pinned to the cold cement floor, breathing hard. He had tried to move his arms, but his starved and frail form couldn't move under the weight of the other. He could feel his breath against his neck, slow and taunting. One hand held his head down, covering half of his face, and the other pinned both his arms to the floor. In one last desperate effort to escape from his grasp, Will tried to shake his captor's hold... once again, to no avail.

"Aww, are you scared?" he scoffed into his ear. "It's a shame you'd disobey, time and time again. I told you, you're not to talk to guests. When will you ever learn?"

Will's breath hitched once, then again, until he felt hot tears spilling from his eyes. There was no way out, no way to curl up and hide... "I'm s-sorry-- I-I'm so, so s-sorry, please..."

"Please what?" hissed the other, smirking wide.

"Leave m-me a-alone..." He found he choked at his own words, hoping he hadn't made anything worse. Will winced. If past experience was anything to go by, he had made a huge mistake. He tried once more to break free, finding no success.

"And what then? Even if I were to let you go, to let you run from here, to never see me again-- you'd only be worse off. Who do you think could ever love someone like you? Absolutely no one, that's who. No one, I mean no one, could ever find any worth in you. The minute you slip up, the minute they see just how pathetic you really are, they'd throw you out. And you know what? You'd come crawling right back to me, just as you do. You know that, don't you?"

" Master, please..." His lip quivered as he thought up all the ways this could end.

"You know that, don't you?" he demanded, shouting in his face that time.

Will shrunk back under his tone, no longer able to suppress whimpers. "Please, p-please, please d-don't do th-this..." he choked, coming to accept what he knew was inevitable.

Then he heard a voice, which wasn't the other's. It was someone else's, from seemingly far away. Someone familiar, screaming his name. Their voice got louder and louder, screaming the same thing over and over: "Will, wake up! Wake up! It's okay, it's just a dream!" The sound became so loud that he felt as though they were right beside him, which frustrated him because he saw no one else there.

"Stop struggling, darling, it's no use." he breathed. One arm-- the one once holding Will's head to the hard cement floor-- slid down, slowly, to his waist. Then the other hand, which had held his arms down, let go. 

Will didn't try to move that time. 

He knew better.

He involuntarily shuddered as that hand steadily snaked along his torso, not in any haste, and finally rested on his stomach. "What are the rules, William?"

His breath caught when he tried to speak.

"What are the rules?" the other pressed more firmly, growling under his breath.

"N-no c-complaint, no h-hesitation, n-no resistance." 

"Good." he whispered. "And remember, I won't be angry with you if you cry, so long as it doesn't become a distraction. Understood?"


"Now, be a good boy, and do exactly as I say."

--- 😶 ---

Will jolted awake, gasping for air. You pulled him into your arms. He seemed not to know where he was for a moment, still panicked. "It's okay, you're alright," you reassured him, clinging to him like a lifeline. 

As though he finally came to realize it was you, he sunk into your embrace, beginning to sob into your nightshirt.

You sat with him, for quite a long time it seemed, helplessly listening to his muffled cries. He leaned into your soft touch as you brushed his cheek to wipe away his tears, as if he thought you'd disappear any moment. "You're safe..." you whispered, rocking him back and forth. "He's gone, he can't hurt you here."

He seemed to relax a little after some twenty minutes, but still shook in your arms from struggling for air and sniffed every few seconds. Without warning, he jumped out of your arms. He scrambled back, looking horrified. "D-did I w-wake you? I-I, I'm s-so sorry, I-- P-please don't be angry..." His voice broke off, and he was starting to retreat into himself. A string of broken apologies spilled out his mouth.

"It's okay," you whispered, and brought him back next to you. "I'm not mad at you," He timidly accepted the hug, deciding after evaluating your tone it was safe to let down his guard again. "I'm not mad at you..." You lightly ran your hand through his hair. "I don't mind. I don't mind at all."

You were reminded at that moment, reminded of what he had said his first morning here at the mansion with you. You weren't going to bring it up, of course, but it struck you. Gently, you brushed that arm. A part of you wondered how far the marks stretched, but the other part of you didn't want to know.

After so long, you noticed, his breath only hitched every now and then. "You okay?" you asked him, as you pulled away just far enough to wipe away his tears. 

He nodded, closing his eyes. "You woke me, up before it, could, get worse..." he murmured, barely audible. 

"When I heard you screaming, I--" The sentence caught in your throat. You sighed.

You sat there for only a moment more before you thought of something. You reached back behind you to grab the Minky blanket you gave him not long ago, then fondly wrapped it around him. "I wonder what time it is..." You looked at the clock on the opposite wall to briefly check. "6:41 a.m," you muttered, mostly to yourself.

You returned your gaze to Will. "Wanna lie back down for a while? It's pretty early."

He seemed hesitant to answer, as he always was, but nodded curtly. "C-can... can y-you stay?" he murmured timidly, avoiding your eyes.

You shrugged. "Sure. Lights on, or off?"

"...Whatever's f-fine."

"Mkay..." You switched off the lamp but turned it right back on when he whimpered. "On, then?"

He nodded, eyes wide.

You flashed him a half-smile, left the lamp on, and sat back down on the edge. He rested his head back on the pillow, but you stayed sitting up.

After a while, you thought he was asleep, so you slowly started to slide off to go to sleep in your own room. Suddenly he shot up, an intense horror glossing his eyes. "Please don't leave!" he squeaked. 

You slid back onto the edge, resting a gentle hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, I won't. I won't leave if you don't want."

He nodded, and though timidly, sunk back down. A sharp gasp escaped his lips, and he quickly added, "I-I mean, i-if you want to leave, i-it's okay-- I d-don't want to, to sound demanding or, or-"

You waved him off. "No, no, it's fine." You settled into a comfortable position beside him on top of the bedcover. "Want me to stay even after you're asleep? You know, in case you have another... flashback?"

He hesitated. "...W-would you?"

You smiled. "Of course."

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