Chapter 11

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Jade's POV

   I rubbed my eyes and looked at the bedside table, the clock said it was 10:13. I went to bed a bit earlier than usual because I was so tired, it seemed like this pregnancy was taking way all of my energy. Dane got angry at me today because I fell asleep at my desk, never has that happened to me since I started working there. In fact, never happened to me at any of my jobs.

    I sat up and rubbed my eyes again. I wasn't expecting anyone, especially at ten in the night. It wasn't Josh because he was out of town for a few days and Cassie was working a late shift today.

   I stood up and put on the robe that was lying on the couch. I rub my eyes and reached for my glasses and place it on my face. I walked to the door and looked into the peephole.

   Of all the persons that I guess, why didn't he came up in my mind? Of course, never expected to see him at my doorstep 10'o clock in the night. I reluctantly opened the door. I looked up at him with a blank face.

   "What are you doing here so late?" I voice sounding weird. 

   "It's a little after ten and don't tell me I can't come in. I know your brother is out of town." I look at him with my brows raised.

  "So you're stalking me now."

   "I wouldn't classify it as stalking more like deep researching."  So he's basically stalking me. His eyes travelled behind me. "Are you going to let me in or am I going to let in myself?"

  I sigh there was no use, trying to get rid of him. I open the door wider to let him in. After closing it, I turn and there he was just a few steps in front of me, close enough to touch me. I slowly back away but my back touched the door and there was no escaping.

   "Where do you think you are going?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

   " you want something to drink?" I didn't know what else to say to him. He was way too close for me to think straight.

"If I had wanted something to drink I would have stayed home." He stepped closer to me.

   " do you want then?" I looked at him, he was wearing casual clothes something he didn't wear very often.

  A smile lit upon his face. "That's an easy guess."

   "Is it really?"My question was rhetorical. I bit my lips unintentionally but he seems to smile even more. 

Oh no, I'm in danger now.

  "Yes," he was too close for comfort. 

  His body was too close, he was too close. I could feel my body shivering and he didn't even touch me.

   "Please, tell me what you want so I can go back to bed. I'm really tired" What else was I gonna say? 

  "I want you," he said when he brought my attention to his lips when he ran his tongue over it for moisture. I stared his lips, his beautiful soft pink lips.

   Mercy, mercy, god please help me.  

  ", well." I was staring at his lips and trying to let the words come out. He bent his head so that his lips were about two inches away from mine. "I don't.."

   Before I could complete my sentence his lips came crashing down on mine and all my words and senses disappeared. Without even thinking I greedily accepted his sweet kisses. I knew that kissing him was wrong but how can something so wrong feel so good?

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