The Bet

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You were standing in Beacon's training hall. Before you stood a tired and physically drained Team RWBY. On the screen behind the stage it shows (Y/N) aura is full green. While Weiss', Blake's and Yang's are in the orange, followed by Ruby who's is in the red.

(Y/N): Come on ladies All you need it one hit and were done for the day.

Ruby: That's... easy... for you to say....

Yang: How can we even do that? You have more fighting experience then us.

You think then look at Weiss and smirks.

(Y/N): Alright. Let's make a deal. There's a dance coming up. First one to land a hit on me, I take and pay for everything. No matter how expensive.

Weiss: And if you win?

(Y/N): We continue that training idea that you and Ruby established. So...shall we?

You used your semblance of teleportation to move behind Blake. Blake spins around swinging Gambol Shroud at (Y/N) but he crouches down and leg swipes Blake. Yang takes this moment to run and jump up charging at (Y/N) making him roll back as Yang hits the ground leaving big cracks on the stage.

(Y/N): That's it. Keep it coming.

Ruby runs at you with super speed swinging at (Y/N) making him stumble back and Weiss makes a glyph shooting her forward and thrusting Myrtenater forward (Y/N)'s eyes widen he quickly regains his footing and takes out (W/N) into it's melee form and deflecting Weiss' sword. (Y/N) then uses her momentum to push her aside and spin his weapon as Blake shoots at him.

(Y/N): Getting close, ladies.

Yang: So, if I will, I get a kiss on this dance date?

(Y/N): Eh, if you want to.

Yang smirks and ran towards you. She threw two punches at you which you evaded and bowed down before her do so. You blocked Yang's next punch and punched her in the stomach. You elbowed the back of her neck and kneed her face.

You then grabbed her arms and threw Yang into Ruby. Finally, the girls all form up and reload their weapons. Team RWBY look at each other and nod then begin to circle around (y/n) he just stands at the ready. Blake runs at you getting your attention. You get ready but she jumps over you.

You turn only to just notice Yang throwing a punch, pushing back. Ruby runs and swipes your weapon away and finally Weiss shoots forward again this time she stops and puts the tip of her sword on your chest before he can even react.

(Y/N): Congratulations Team RWBY.

Yang: No fair!

Weiss: What? We won!

Yang: But you got the date!

You rolled your eyes and walked over to Yang and pecked her on the cheek. Yang grew a large blush and you could see Weiss grow a bit frustrated. She walked over to you and grabbed your arm and began to drag you out.

Weiss: Come on!

(Y/N): Uh, where are we going?

Weiss: Getting you ready for the dance.

Weiss drags you out of Beacon and onto the bullhead and make your way to Vale. You didn't understand why Weiss wanted you to get a new set of cloths, or why she came with you. Though, you didn't mind it as you could spend some more time with Weiss.

Weiss: All right. Now, suit, tie and shoes, let's go.

Weiss walked into a very, VERY fancy tailor. While you didn't mind the idea of a new suit, you didn't think it has to be THIS fancy. Regardless, you entered and joined Weiss.

Tailor: Ah, Ms. Schnee! So good to see you again!

Weiss: You too, Tailleur.

(Y/N): (Whispering) How do you-

Weiss: I come here a lot.

(Y/N): Without me.

Weiss: You were hired to protect me. Not babysit me. Tailleur, he needs a new suit.

Tailleur: Ah, of course. Of course. Come young man, we will get you ready.

Weiss: I'll look for a good tie.

(Y/N): I already have one.

Weiss: But not a matching one.

The man known as Tailleur took you into a dressing room. Going from suit and shirt from suit or shirt, you tired on several different outfits. While you liked one or two, Weiss hated them all. While you didn't believe that anything Weiss was doing was in line with the bet you made, but you just accepted it.

To be honest, while Weiss could be annoying, she wasn't that bad. Yes, she was bossy and a bitch whiny, she could be sweet and caring. You also loved how she would embrace you at night and keep it like that until morning.

Upon realizing all this, a serious thought came to your mind.

(Y/N): (Thinking) Do-do I-like Weiss? I mean...but did she like me? She seemed jealous when Yang got me to kiss her. And she does seem to embrace we at night...a lot.

Weiss: Hey! You done in there yet?

(Y/N): Uh, oh, yeah.

You step out of the dressing room in a light blue suit and pants. You had a white tie and dress shirt on as well. Weiss clapped at the sight.

Weiss: Perfect! Absolutely perfect. Tailleur this is your best!

Tailleur: Ah, Ms. Schnee, you are too kind.

(Y/N): So, this is the one?

Weiss: Yes! Get dressed. I'll pay Tailleur.

Tailleur: Thank you, Ms. Schnee.

(Y/N): Whoa. I'll get this. Remember, the bet.

Weiss: No. You said you pay for anything DURING the dance, not before or after. So come on, we gotta get dinner ready too.

Weiss walked off and rolled your eyes. However, you had to laugh to yourself and admire Weiss' determination.


You had finally come back to Beacon after a long day of shopping with Weiss. You guys made reservations for dinner, gotten dress and suit for the dance. You could barely stand up and thus just fell onto the floor, not even bothering getting changed.

After minutes after you did so, you felt a pair of lips on your forehead once again. This had been a regular occurrence for some time now, and you already knew who it was.

(Y/N): Night, Weiss.

Weiss: Goodnight, (Y/N).

With the dance coming up, you knew this was going to be a good few days with an even better payoff.  

Weiss Schnee X Male Reader: A Knight and A PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now