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Thunder roared deep inside the clouds that hovered over Boston. Rain poured onto the streets, creating newly made creeks that ran fast like rapids into the sewers under the city. The few people that were outside ran to their homes, eager to escape the rain and lightning.

Most of the buildings were quiet, as it was late at night, but there was one buisness that was full of activity, espesially in one of the top floors. Most people knew of this company, Raptor Dyne, and it's owner, Victor Veloci, who strives to create a better world for humans. There are only few who know the true intentions of this billionaire.

Victor Veloci, better known as Veloci, truly is not striving to enhance the world we humans live in. Infact, he is not a human at all. This "man" is really a red and black velociraptor, one of two raptors to escape the end of the world he once knew, who wants to return Earth to it's prehistoric state. Upon waking from a deep sleep, the two raptors found that they were in a world of humans and discovered they could change their appearence to look like one. The other raptor, who chose to go by the name of Joanne Moynihan, was intrigued by the younger species. Veloci, however, was not as impressed by these "monkeys" and vowed to return this new world back to what it was 65 million years ago. The raptors could not agree on their paths and seperated, though Victor strives to have his past mate back on his side so that they can rebuild the world of dinosaurs together.

Since the day they parted, Moynihan has battled to slow Veloci's progress, even though they have not seen each other in years. But the two's paths have intercrossed within the past year, though not strictly in physical form. After a failed experiment with primodial ooze, an orange liquid that would mutate the infected's DNA to that more of a dinosaur's, Veloci dumped a special batch into the ocean, where five teenagers and a dog were contaminated. The students could each perfectly transform into a their own certain dinosaur, a Pteranadon, Spinosaurous, Stegosaurus, Styracosaurus, and a Tyranosaurus Rex. The five teenagers could not reverse the affect of the ooze with their school teacher's, who is Mrs. Moynihan, help, and instead joined Joanne in the effort to stop Victor and his mutants by sucking the ooze from the mutant's DNA with the Chiller and Spiller.

Veloci has seen them in dino form and believes them to be other dinosaurs that had survived the meteor. He has in the past tried to capture the Dino Squad members to use their "perfect dino DNA" to create more dinosaurs of their kind, paying more attention with the T-Rex, Max. Though Veloci does not know that the teenagers are the dinosaurs, he believes they are the reptiles' helpers and seeks information from them. However, the raptor does not know fully of what they look like and only knows that the dinosaurs are active in the Kittery Point area in Maine. VelocI has still tried to create new batches of primordial ooze that will give him results he can see without the Dino Squad getting to them first.

A faint red glow filled the lab in Raptor Dyne. A man in a maroon tux sat unhappily on a large chair facing a variety of large screens like that of a TV. However, these screens showed images of a recent DNA experiment. The man clenched his teeth in frustration. "These samples are all wrong! The primordial ooze should have changed the bird into a dino stage, not brighten it's feathers!" The man raised from his seat and walked over to a lever on the far side of a wall. "This whole batch will need to be dumped and started over again, all because those stupid mammals messed up the formula!" The man lowered the lever, causing an orange liquid to flow through the pipes. I'll dump this batch in the port by Kittery Point. Maybe the ooze will draw those perfect dinosaurs out of hiding. The man smiled at this thought and watched while the rest of the ooze left it's container. "Yes, this will be useful after all." He turned and pointed to one of his employees. "You, go get the copter ready to fly to Kittery Point Maine. I want it to take off as soon as the batch reaches the waters."

"Yes Veloci, Sir!" the man said and hurried off.

What Victor did not remember was that this was the same line he had used to dump an earlier batch of ooze from, the same ooze that changed the world for five teenagers.


On a beautiful beach not far away from Kittery Point, the gooey ooze began to pour into the water. The ocean's waves pulled the ooze along with it's currents. As the waves crashed onto the beach, the ooze was dumped onto the sand. The ooze sunk down through the tiny stones and began to mix; mix with that of an old formula that was forgotten, a formula that would change the lives of two more teenagers.


Hi there! :^3

I'm SO happy about this fanfiction! I have recently become reacquainted with a TV show that I used to love, Dino Squad! *yay!* For the longest time I couldnt remember what the show was called and I really wanted to watch it again, so I did some research and found it! Yay! I have become obsessed with DS (just ask Kim_Roster :p) and really wanted to write a fanfiction continuing from where the series left off with it's horrible ending. And did anyone catch what I did in the last paragraph? The line "On a beautiful beach not far away" and "gooey ooze" shortly after it is from the Dino Squad theme song! I know all the words to it (not like there's much) and get it stuck in my head a lot, just ask Kim! :D

By the way, this chapter was more of just a recap on what Dino Squad is about, which is why I have so much back story. And I won't go into too much description on what the characters from the show look or sound like, most of you should know that stuff.

:○ I just noticed how much I wrote for this author's note so I think I'm going to stop now. XD


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