Chapter 1

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"Let's go Tory!" a girl with long brown hair called through the house. She stood at the door with one hand on the doorsill, the other on her waist, her finger tapping against her side impatiently.

"I'm coming Alice!" a voice hollered back. The sound of stomping on the stairs echoed in the hallway and a girl turned around the corner. She brushed her light brown hair off her face and straightened her violet jacket. "Why are you such a hurry to go to the beach anyways?"

"Because, " Alice said to her twin, "I think I left my bomber jacket by the beach this mourning and I need to get it back before the storm comes in."

"But why drag me along?" Tory whined as she neared the door.

"Mom and Dad don't like us to go down to the beach by ourselves, remember?" Alice tapped the top of her sister's head, in which Tory slapped it away. Alice snickered and walked onto the porch, followed closely behind by Tory who promptly shut the door. The sisters walked side-by-side along the path that lead through the thick woods down to the coast.

Alice saw the forest begin to thin out and ran down the rest of the path. She left the woods and scanned the grassy area that dropped to the sand and water. "Do you see it anywhere?" She asked Tory as her sister reached her side.

Tory waited to respond, looking across the scenery to see if the scarlet jacket was anywhere in sight. "I don't see it anywhere. Let's split up, so we can find it faster."

Alice looked up at the sky and saw the reason for a quickened search. The clouds that were minutes before a light shade of grey now were an angry color close to black. The wind that she hadn't noticed before in the forest was now thick and heavy with the scent of rain and salt.

"Hmm, why don't you go look that way," She pointed her finger in the direction of the docks then motioned to the lighthouse, "and I'll look up there." Tory nodded her head then turned and ran parallel with the forest and ocean. Alice watched her go then started walking to the end of the ridge. She stopped a few inches away and gazed down at the beach. Seaweed, driftwood, and other ocean debris laced through the sand as a reminder of the storm from the past night. While the storm took place outside, Alice and Tory had watched Jurassic Park with their parents, though it had taken all of Alice's willpower to watch the movie through. She thought back to when she had tried to leave the room just moments before the hurricane cut the power at the main building, as she could never manage to watch the movie any further, but her mother had told her that she would pay Alice to watch it until the end. Alice had stayed, but she covered her ears whenever there was a scream or a raptor's screech.

Alice shuddered at the thought of the raptors, turning for a moment to confirm that no reptiles were stalking her from behind. While the T-Rex had frightened her, the sheer thought of the raptors' agility and cleverness scared her cold to the bone.

The girl looked back to the beach and saw a speck of color off from the rest of the debris' color scheme. Alice squinted and recognized the maroon of her jacket. "Hey Tory, I think I found it!" She called to her sister, who was almost a speck down the coast. She saw Tory's hand wave in the air then begin to move in her direction. Alice jogged to a low point on the ridge and jumped onto the sand, sending a small dust cloud surrounding her feet, and ran to where she had seen maroon.

Once there, Alice noticed that one of the jacket's sleeves was buried in the sand under a cluster of debris. Great, she thought, I'll have to dig it out. Alice sighed to herself and started to detangle the seaweed from the jacket before digging the driftwood piecing her jacket into the ground out. As she pulled the last of the ocean plant from her bomber, Tory ran up behind her. "You find it?"

Alice nodded her head. "Yeah, but it's buried under a piece of wood, probably caught up in the wind and fell just right on my jacket to burry it."

Tory snorted. "Serves you right for leaving it here,"

Alice glared at her sister before squatting on the sand next to the jacket. "Just help me get this out." Alice heard her sister sigh then bent down next to her. The two dug in silence for a while, and with each gust of wind they dug faster. Alice pushed on the driftwood. The wood began to crack under the pressure and snapped. Alice smiled and threw the piece to the side. The girl was surprised to see orange goo at the base of the hole absorbing into her bomber jacket. "Hey Tory,"

"What?" Tory set down a large piece of wood she had been dragging away.

"Come see this,"

Tory walked over to the hole and bent over. Her once curious face was now confused. "What is it?"

Alice shrugged her shoulders. "Don't know. It looks kind of like nectar though."

"Maybe more like honey,"

"That's almost the same thing." Alice huffed. "Bees make honey out of nectar,"

Tory rolled her eyes then gave a curt bow. "Thank you for the new information General Know-it-all,"

Alice smiled. "You're welcome, Lieutenant Sarcasm." The sisters laughed at their joke nicknames. Alice lifted her jacket out of the hole and examined it. Her jacket was surprisingly heavy. The goo dripped out of the bomber like wet batter from a spoon. The girl scrunched her nose from the faint odor came from the orange substance. "Ick, it smells like tar."

A faint smile crossed Tory's lips. "Or one of the senior's hairspray."

Alice smiled, agreeing with the statement completely. Though they were two years behind, the twins passed a senior named Caruso almost everyday in the halls on their way to class. They could always smell his hair products from down the hall. However, the past year he hadn't been around much. Alice had thought that he just had his schedule switched around, but she had heard that some other students in his class disappeared as often as he.

The sudden roar of thunder jerked Alice from her thoughts. "We'd better get home." Tory said as another burst of thunder shook the air. Alice threw her jacket over her shoulder and nodded. They took off running just as the sound of rain pelted down onto the ocean overlooked by a lighthouse.

¡Lo siento para estar tarde! Estoy ocupada con mi escuela...

Okay, Spanish is out of my system (for now). What that says is:

I'm sorry for being late! I am busy with my school...

And that statement is completely true. School has been so annoying. It's been taking up all of my energy between finals coming up (I have a Science final tomorrow), my German course online, and practicing for our Chorus and Band Adjudication (we didn't do so hot...). Also, I've been trying to work on my Japanese, but school has taken time away from that. And then there was the rewriting of this whole chapter. I had gone pretty far on it, farther into the story then this goes, but I was dreading how it was written. So I rewrote it, and I'm glad I did. And then my school laptop is being taken away next Friday, so I can't make as many corrections.

BTW, school isn't out until June 30th. Hope you like your summer! >_

Also, I will be posting updates (hopefully) regularly on my wall for all of my stories. I feel guilty that I don't post anything because of writer's block or being busy, and having a chapter for just an Author's Note brings false hope to readers. So, if you would like to see regular updates on any of my stories, I ask that you would please hit that little 'follow' button on my page.


On a side note, I would appreciate that there is no swearing or inappropriate comments in the comment box. This is my story and I read all of the comments, I would like to see that there is no more of that there. I hope that you respect my request.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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