Close your eyes

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"Annie tell me what your thinking." Said Eve. She was going to attend the augmentation today and later would be asked if she and Ben wanted to. Ash was coming today. Haven't seen her in months.

"I don't know Eve. What if something goes wrong?"

"Nothing will go wrong. These guys know what their doing. Now, would you like your hair braided today?" This was her thing. She would braid my hair in the morning if we had a sleepover.

"Yes." Maybe it will calm my nerves.

"I'll be right there ok? You'll never get safer with these men."

"Yeah your right. I'm gonna be fine. Not to mention be stronger, faster, and smarter than normal!" I'm ready for this. I'll be fine! This will go without a hitch.

"Atta girl." She started two French Braids with the baby hairs hanging down. She knows this is my favorite style.
Time skip 2 hours

Wearing a black Nike sports bra and black Nike shorts I entered the augmentation room holding  Lucas's hand. He also had black Nike shorts but no shirt. Part of augmentation I guess. Two tables stood before us and what looked like two cryogenic chambers. Black suits were next to the chambers and they looked heavy armor wise and light weight way. Then there was the glass wall. Behind were about 150 chairs and 25 were occupied. All commanding officers of Season, the base I trained and was healed at. Still got a scar on my back. I'm proud of it.

"Ma'am, this way." Looking over I say a team of five augmentators. The sixth had his hand out for me to take. Looking to Lucas I saw another team of about the same number doing the same. The guy wasn't holding his hand out though.

"Annie Wood I swear on my life this process will go well. You will be fine. We're going to be fine. Ok?" Lucas promised me. For the first time I took a real look at him and his personality. And I realized how much I liked him.

"Ok. We're going to be fine." I repeated Lucas's words.

"Come on ma'am. Theatres going to be full soon and Jackson wants to say a few words before we start." Nodding I let go of Lucas's hand. The augmentator led me to the table. laying down, the people asked if I wanted a blanket or something to cover myself with before we began. I don't know why but I declined. Saying give mine to Lucas. He was probably cold. While someone went to go give him mine the team started hooking me up. Heart monitor, blood pressure, something to monitor my brain waves. It was in a mask. Not liking it but wanting to go through with the augmentation I put it on. All the while I couldn't help but but think..

"So I bet my life i bet my life I bet my life on you"

But I'll be fine. Lucas promised.  Looking forward I saw you guessed it! Eve and Ben with the twins. Ash was coming into the room as well. Ash ran over to me carefully not touching the wires.

"Annie Wood you are the bravest women I've ever met. I don't know why your doing this- nobody does but here you are. Being brave again." I like looked to Ash. At this point Eve came over. Then she said something that will stick with me I'll the end of my days. "Annie ,we're so proud of you." She smiled at me. Yeah. They've got my back.

"Ma'am Mr Jackson is going to say a few words now. I'm going to ask you to leave now or say a few words to Lucas before the augmentation begins." The man brought them over to Lucas and must have said some words of good luck because Lucas smiled.

My team came back over and I couldn't help but wonder, "What are your names?"





"Robert." The last man to finish was the leader.

"Come on dude you need to tell her your name. She needs to know it'll be ok. That we know what we're doing." Said Andy.

"Fine. My names Evan."

"Thank you Evan. I'm sure this will go fine." I couldn't help but want to reassure him. They were going to augment me in a way. Machines helping of course.

Mr Jackson entered the room. "Ladies and Gentlemen, today we are gathered to see a great achievement for mankind in fighting the Tarriks. With great pride we announce that Annie Wood and Lucas Thompson are going to become the worlds first Spartans and Warriors!" The audience must have liked this because we heard a lot of clapping. "Miss Wood is going to be leading the Spartan devision and Mr Thompson will lead the Warriors." The audience was going wild by now. The other devisions were there too. Summer, Autumn, and Spring.

Me and Lucas looked to each other. This was new to us. Leaders? I guess we could pull it off... But I was going to be Captain of Winter! I'm probably going to be both.. That makes the most sense right now. Who else do they have to lead? Mr Jackson walked over to me next.

"Annie you are one brave girl. Stay calm, and this will be over in a flash. Everything will be fine."

"I know. Thank you Mr Jackson." I was ready for the augmentation to begin.

Andy, Robert, and Jared were starting the machines that would be used to begin the process. They have me a mask, that had a general anesthesia so I would fall asleep and it would be easier to augmentate.

First they would graph unbreakable material to our bones. After that more muscle mass would be added. Making us practically unbreakable. Pretty cool right? Well the procedure wasn't. They would use a laser to ensure that it was as precise as possible. A hot laser. Joy.. Good thing I'm out for the process. It's also fairly quick with the machines helping.

"Ok Annie close your eyes. You'll be up in a few minutes." I saw Andy smile at me. It was a reassuring smile. Doing as said, I knew I would wake up soon.

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