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"Chapter 1"

In this world, humans believe that there is nothing supernatural in the universe. That vampires and werewolves or as some might call them lycans are just mystical creatures. Well, that's because they've never open their eyes to notice the smallest things in life. For century's vampires, lycans and other creatures have been hidden away in a world no human can go to or see. The only time the unknown come out is to walk among the humans as if they were one of our own and gather important supplies to keep their race alive or for business situations to keep them secret.

There are strict rules about talking to humans. You cannot let them into your personal life or give away information about them. They shouldn't even know you exist for that matter. But there is always one who will break those rules. Her name is Yuki Darkov, a pureblood princess who enjoys adventuring out into the human world at night. She wanders the streets searching for the one thing she loves most...candy. Some find it weird that a pureblood vampire only eats candy and never blood but if they knew the reason why then no one would look at her the same way...only as a monster...

She tipped her head to the sky sniffing the air and grinned when she found her prey. The candy store was closed but that didn't stop her. With one twist of her wrist the lock broke under her vampire grip and she casually walked in. In a flash she grabbed almost every piece of candy off the shelves and counters. With a grin she placed the candy in her backpack and walked out while chewing on a lollipop. She stopped and rolled her eyes when she remembered her brother saying 'It's not nice to steal. You need to pay for everything you take.' She groaned, walked back inside and sadly placed the money on the counter before vanishing.

Yuki's brother, Iason B. Darkov was having trouble setting up for the upcoming ball. He was a fallen angel which he got from his fathers side and a vampire from his mothers. "Set up the tables over by the far wall. We need room for people to be able to dance." He ordered. Everything was almost in place, except the decorations that were supposed to be hung up by Yuki. "Has anyone seen my sister?" He asked the servants. (The only humans that traveled to the realm were those who worked for them. Each one has sworn to secrecy or else.) Each one hasn't seen her since this morning and he sighed out in frustration. He closed his eyes trying to use his bond he had with his sister to track her down.

With his luck he found her outside in the gardens hiding behind the huge fountain.

"Everyone please continue setting up. I shall be back shortly." He rushed off ready to give Yuki another one of his 'You need to be more responsible' speeches but as soon as he turned the corner, his mother called out to him. He made an abrupt stop and faced his mother who was running towards him with a dress.

"Iason where is your sister? I need her to try on this dress I got for her." She held out a frilly pink dress with red roses circling around the bottom of it. He chuckled knowing good as well Yuki would not agree to wear that. "I'm searching for her now mother." He kissed her on the forehead, "Now if you will excuse me I have to hurry before she escapes again." She laughed and said, "Ok but make sure she comes see me." He nodded and headed straight for the gardens.

Yuki was lying there with her back against the fountain covered in candy wrappers fast asleep. Once Iason got there he rolled his eyes at the sight and lightly nudged her with his foot. "Yuki...Yuki wake up." She groaned and moved her hand to her head trying to suppress a killer headache. "Yuki I think you over did it with the candy this time." He took her hand slowly helping her to her feet and picked a candy wrapper out of her hair.

"I had to...I had...the craving was getting stronger." She tried to explain but he wasn't having it. "Yuki what if someone saw you? You know better not to take anything without asking or paying-"

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