~The Ball~

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“Chapter 2”

            Guests were arriving on time and the ball room was beautifully decorated with lights and crystal everywhere. Each guest bowed respectfully to Iason as he passed by with his lovely cousin Laura on his arm. She possessed a special gift but was constantly getting sick. Her body was weak and yet she still trailed on with a strong heart. She was small about up to Iasons chest with blond hair that hung over her shoulders. Her dress was emerald green that hugged her frail body nicely with each step she took.

            Iason sat her down at her table and offered to get her a drink but she just shook her head. "No i'm fine go, enjoy yourself." She smiled. He nodded and went to greet everyone. Yuki wasn’t down from her room yet which worried him. I hope she doesn’t try anything stupid. Iason thought. He took a glimpse around the room, eyes scanning over every creature, until he came across his parents having a discussion with the King and Queen of the Lycans, Lord Charles and Lady Ember. He considered the idea of going over there and introducing himself until his friends called out to him.

“Dude! This place is crawling with fine creatures.” Toushiro said as he flicked his finger in the air and a random girls dress lifted from the back causing her to shriek. He chuckled which earned a hard smack to the head. “Ow! I was only having a little fun sheesh.”

               “Stop harassing my guests.” He gave him a look before turning to Tyrael. “How are you feeling today?” Tyrael shrugged and continued to sip his red drink as his eyes scanned the place. Toushiro was a warlock in training with black spiked hair wearing a blue unbuttoned tux and a lip ring which he was supposed to take out and Ty was a vampire with silver hair that was tied up with a red ribbon wearing a black tux with a red rose in the pocket.

               Just like Yuki, he wasn’t able to control his blood lust either but he does have some self-control. Iason still remembers finding three of his servants lying dead beside Ty as he stared at him with blood dripping down the sides of his mouth. Iason was only lucky enough to make it in time before Ty reached his sisters room…only god knows what could’ve happened if he went any further.  

            Speaking of his sister…where was she? The doors opened causing Iason to whip his head around towards it as the guards announced something but he could hardly hear. He slid pass the crowd and his jaw almost hit the floor as soon as he saw his little sister wearing the dress except the color was changed from pink to red and black with the bottom of the dress ripped. She wore fishnet stockings with matching gloves and a butterfly clip in her long black hair. Everyone stared in awe as she made her way down the stairs with a seductive smile. Iason saw his mothers shocked look on her face and his father’s annoyed expression glued on his.

            “Whoa who’s the sexy vamp walking this way?” Toushiro whispered while eyeing Yuki up and down. Iason smacked him even harder, “That’s my sister you idiot.” Toushiro only laughed at him as he pushed through the crowd charging towards his sister. “What are you wearing? Are you trying to get in trouble because if you are the plan is surely working?” He tried to keep his voice down as everyone continued to stare before going back to enjoying the party.

            Yuki only smiled, not caring what anyone thought or if she got in trouble and said, “I’m not doing anything wrong or embarrassing father. The dress is cute and I look cute oh and by the way Toushiro is staring at me I would say he thinks the same thing.” She peeked around Iason and wiggled her fingers at him. Iason sent a deadly glare towards Toushiro causing him to run and hide within the crowd of dancing guests. Yuki giggled and skipped off ignoring her brothers’ calls.

            The ball was amazing and yet it still didn’t give Tobias as much excitement as he thought. He was bored and still a little upset. Lizzy kept trying to get him to dance but each time he would refuse. He didn’t mean to hurt the poor girl but she wasn’t his type and he didn’t want to marry her…she needed to know that. As he scanned the rooms watching everyone waltz and enjoy the music his eyes locked on to one creature that stood out from the rest. Her skin was milky white and her hair was black with red dyed at the tips.

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