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Alissa's P.O.V.

I sat on my bed talking to my self, I was going crazy I knew that all to well. Honestly who wouldn't after being in this room for about 13 years with no social interactions. I only talk to myself and the Scientists who made me.

'Bzzzzzzzzzzz' I heard the long buzzer signaling my door had opened. I looked up expecting to see a scientist or security guard but I look over to see a girl, she looked my age. I took a closer look at her and she looked like me but not like me at the same time, like she was genetically made too. She was scrawny and had short fluffy blonde hair and she was more robotic than me but still human like.

The guard pulled a remote sort of thing out of his pocket and hit a few buttons then I heard a loud sound so my automatic reaction was to look behind me, scared. The floor in the right hand corner seemed to disappear as it lowered into some sort of under ground room, and when it came back up there was another bed and dresser on it.

I looked up to see a man looking down at me he looked happy and was laughing hysterically. I tilted my head to the side "hewo?" I asked curiously looking around "Hi young child!" he said picking me up. I looked over to my left and saw a girl with a woman. "Hewo?" I said looking over at her, she didn't look at me or talk to me. Her eyes were closed and she had short blonde hair. I looked back at the man in front of me and he took me to my bedroom which had a crib, and a few toys in it.

--Later That Day--

I layed in my crib looking at the ceiling studying the tile up above, when the door opened and the scientist came in and gave me some food before leaving again.

Flashback end

"Hey," I said looking over at the girl "I remember you!" she looked at me she had big green eyes and short blonde hair. Her hair was really fluffy and it looked really soft. She looked at me her eyes were filled with excitement. She still didn't say anything but she did walk closer to me.

The scientist walked out the door and shut it behind him leaving me with the other girl. I went and sat on my bed as she sat on her new bed. I looked under my bed and grabbed a book and pencil and began drawing while she grabbed an instrument. she opened the instrument case and pulled out a clarinet, she began playing a beautiful melody. I listened while I drew and it turned out I drew her playing. She looked at me and smiled. I looked up and saw a camera and it was moving. She looked at the ceiling too and she blushed, looking down.

--Later That Day--

We were laying in our beds looking at the ceiling when another buzzer sounded and my door opened. I saw a female scientist at the door, she looked down at the girl and sighed "Still not talking, eh?' she asked the blonde girl looking at her in her big green eyes.

Hi guys hope you enjoyed my new book called Robot please comment telling me so I know. also please comment the name for the new girl with blonde hair. Also go check out my character book to see the info on my characters.

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