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~Chapter One~

I was six years old when it happened.

The event that altered my entire being for the rest of my life. The event that took my eyesight and made me blind. I suppose it would be wise to tell you the story, and trust me when I say it's not a happy one:

My mum was Anne MarIa Riddle, Tom Marvolo Riddle's little sister. Aka Lord Voldemort.

Now I know what your thinking, 'Oh no, not another insane killer!' That's where your wrong.

My mum was not like her brother, she was just a normal, completely sane witch who was not out to kill muggleborns and whatnot. She was a simple woman, all she wanted was a small family in a cute country house. Unfortunately for her, she had to have a killer feared by the entire wizarding word for a brother.

Just her luck, right?

Of course before Uncle Tom went wacko, him and my mum were actually really close, and he was a nice uncle in my younger years. Then you know...

Anyway, one night eight years ago

Uncle Tom decided to pay me and my mum a little visit, an unexpected visit in the middle of the night.

I was in my room asleep when I heard the door bust open. Naturally curious I headed towards my mum's room where the commotion was going on. What was said that night is permanently etched into my memory:

"Hello little sister." Uncle Tom purred.

"Tom w-what are you doing here?" my mum said looking at him with wide eyes from her bed.

"I'm here to offer you a proposition." he said pleasantly. I was watching frozen in the doorway, not comprehending what was happening in front of me.

"Tom we've been through this, I just want to stay out of the war. Please leave me and my family out of this." Mum begged.

"Oh dear sister, don't you see?" Uncle Tom said. "You have so much power, we could use you. Yes, with you by my side we could rid the world of filth and rule together."

"Tom you know I can't." Mum replied. "I have other priorities."

"Ah yes, my little niece. Where is she anyway?" He said looking behind him and seeing me. "There she is."

I could just see the dread seep into my mum's eyes. I just couldn't understand why, she was usually so glad when Uncle Tom visited. But this man barely resembled my uncle, this man looked rather like a snake. But being me, I couldn't stand to be rude, so I ran and gave him a hug as always. "It's so nice to see you again Uncle Tom!"

My mum looked horrified and afraid, I didn't know why. Uncle hugged me back like always and asked me, "How have you been my niece?"

I let go of him and replied. "Just fine, though I have missed you an awful lot. Why don't you visit more often?"

"I've been busy, my dear." Uncle said convincingly. I had know idea that he was busy killing innocents.

"Oh." Was all I said.

"Now back to the situation at hand, Anne join me." He said demandingly, I could tell his patience was growing thin.

"I won't do it, Tom. I refuse to be involved with your doings." Mum said with an air of finality.

"This is your last chance Anne." He warned getting his wand out. I was so confused, why were they fighting?

Just then Uncle shouted a curse at me, "Crucio!"

I collapsed into a fiery ball of pain. It felt like my insides were on fire, my skin being raked with knives over and over again. I vaguely heard my mum's screaming. Until suddenly the pain stopped, and I took a shaky breath, standing up. I didn't once scream.

"Tom please!" Mum begged, getting out of bed and standing to face him. "Think of your niece and me, your sister! We are your only family left, we'll take care of you!"

"I've let you think about my offer for a while Anne, I can't simply let you go now that you have refused me. Those who oppose me deserve to die, I'm sorry Anne." He said emotionlessly.

"Tom please..." Mum was crying now. I was paralyzed. Do something!, my brain screamed at me. "Spare my child."

I couldn't though, I was frozen with panic and shock.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Uncle Tom yelled, a green light shot out of his wand.

But at that exact moment my mum shot a spell at me, "TRANSFERIUM POTENTIAE!"

A blue jet of light hit me strait in the face. After that darkness, but not before I heard my mum's dying scream.

So that's what happened to me all those years ago. That's why I'm blind. Because my mother shot a spell at me, and the worst part is that I have no idea what that spell did. No idea.

I am Lord Voldemort's niece, and my name is Camilla Riddle and I'm blind. I would tell you what I look like accept I can't, y'know see myself. According to people though I have long wavy brown hair and pale skin, like all the Riddles.

I'm 14 years old at the moment, and I live with a man named Severus Snape. I know you're probably thinking, how did that happen? Well I'll tell you:

After I woke up from my mum's spell I was in an eternal darkness. Literally.

Apparently Uncle Tom wanted to bring me with him because I was 'valuable' or something. I don't really know.

He gave me to his most trusted follower, Severus Snape, to take care of me. I've been with good ole Sev ever since. I know he's not the most welcoming person, but I learned to live with it.

I also happen to know that Sev was really a spy for the Order of the Phoenix, so he's actually working on the good side. Yeah I may or may not have eves dropped on him and Dumbledore.

After Uncle Tom was 'killed' one night, I was stuck with Sev for the rest of my life. Lovely, right?

In the summer we stayed in his house on Spinners End, but during the school months I had to stay in his chambers at Hogwarts.

Only two people actually know I exist, and that's Dumbledore and Sev, of course. They are the ones who do my private lessons with me, since I'm not allowed to attend Hogwarts for some unknown reason. I don't mind though, they don't make bad company.

I guess you should know about my father as well. He was a Death Eater, but when he met my mother he quit. But my uncle didn't like it when people left his little organization, so he had him hunted down and killed. That all happened before I was even born.

Sometimes I wonder about my parents, would they be proud of me? Of the decisions I make? I don't know, I don't know.

Sometimes I ask myself, do I care? I couldn't tell you that one either.

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