~Chapter 2~

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~Chapter 2~

Packing proves more difficult when you are blind, I discovered. I was trying at the moment to pack for Hogwarts once again.

Even though was blind I could still 'see' stuff per say.

Like if I touched a person I could see them in my mind what they look like in their current state. Or if I touched a book I can obtain it all at once, without even turning a page. And when I touch clothes I can see what they look like in my mind.

But that's it really: people, books and clothes. I can't see anything else. But according to Sev I could develop my ability to 'see' more stuff through my mind.

"I guess I'll just have to pack my entire closet." I muttered, and that's exactly what I did, which wasn't that hard considering I didn't have much of anything anyway.

Next week me and Sev will leave to go back to the fabulous Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Great, now I'll be able to sit in a room for months at a time, because that's healthy. (Not really!)

"Camilla, are you packed?" I heard a voice from the door say emotionlessly.

"Yep! I just finished Sev. " I chirped back. I already knew what Sev looked like, he had shoulder-length, black greasy hair, and a hooked nose on a pale face. He always wears black robes.

"Don't call me that." he said, like he always says after I call him Sev.

"You got it Sev. " I smirked. I love annoying him, I mean I could basically just hear him roll his eyes.

"Lunch is ready when you are." he said before turning away, but before he could move another inch I said. "Hey Sev, I was thinking-"

"That's dangerous." I glared in the direction of his voice, sarcasm was my thing.

"As I was saying, I think it would be a good idea if I actually attended Hogwarts for once this year." I suggested casually. I heard a load sigh from Sev.

"We've already been over this Camilla, the answer is no and always will be no." He said boredom apparent in his voice.

"Why not?" I whined. Now let me tell you this-whining gets you no where in life. I had learned this a long time ago, but I never learn it seems.

"You know why."

"Actually no I don't because every single time I ask you always say, and I quote: ' One day you will understand.'" I said mocking his voice. I think I might have annoyed him.

"And one day you will, you insolent child, but for now you are-" he was cut off by a load pop from downstairs.

"Dumbledore!" I exclaimed happily, before running off downstairs. Now I know your wondering, 'How can a blind girl run down stairs without falling?'

Well the answer is that I've lived in this house for eight years, so naturally I know this place by touch. I could tell you where every single nail in the walls are located.

I reached the bottom of the steps into the living room. "ALBUS!"

"Hello my dear." I heard Albus say from around the door to my left. I ran in that direction and hugged the life out of him. As I made contact with him I saw he was wearing lavender robes with his usual half-moon glasses, he also had a long white beard. I missed him so much, he was the only positive person in the area besides me.

"Hi Albus!" I squealed, I let go and grabbed him by the shoulders, looking at where I hope his face was. In a very serious voice I said, "So how goes life?"

"It goes as well as expected." He said, I could here the he smile in his voice. I let go of his shoulders and said. "Good, all is well here too. Well as good as it can get with Severus being a grumpy person all the time."

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