At The Hospital

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I woke up and I saw four people standing over me in scrubs, I said "am I dead" then I heard someone say "hello abigail, i am dr.willson. No your not dead you are in the calvary hospital." I asked the doctor how I got here and what happened.

Dr.Wilson- "Abigail you dont remember anything? "

Abigail-"Please call me Abby, and I just remember my step dad pulling my hair and kicking me but no much more..."

Dr.Wilson- "well what you remember is correct he broke three of your ribs, busted your lip, gave you a black eye and apparently he also broke a beer glass on your face."

Abby- "Where is he now? how did anyone find me, this happened in the middle of no where."

Dr.Wilson- "Apparently a man and his wife were out hunting for the afternoon and just happened to be strolling by when he was kicking you. Your father......"

Abby- "Stepfather!"

Dr.Wilson-" Your stepfather was shot, and managed to get away......."


Dr.Wilson-"I understand your only 16 years of age........your father has already been contacted...."

Abby-"My Father? "

See I had never meet my father in my life, I never got to meet him. My mother died about ten years ago from a car accident with my stepfather joe, after the accident my life changed forever..........Joe would beat me everyday and call me names and tell me stuff like "he wish I wouldve died two." I was nothing to him and I knew it just as well as my mom did when she was still here.

My thoughts were soon inturupted by dr.wilson.

Dr.Wilson-"Abby when did the abuse start?"

Abby-"A month after my mom married him.........Also Doctor..."

Dr.Wilson- "yes Abby?"

Abby-"When can I leave?"



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