Diary Entry #1

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Hello my name is Violetta I'm  16 years old and I have the best friends ever like Fran,Cami, Maxi, Naty,Andre,Broadway, and my boyfriend Leon. He just recently broke up with me because for a show oh I am also a singer and dancer I had to sing a song with a new kid named Diego and he kissed me so for about 3 days Leon wouldn't talk to me. Leon does motorcross and he is really good but his mechanic her name is Lara has a crush on Leon and now they are together and last year he had a girlfriend named Ludmila tried to make everyone hate me she is a trantula and yesterday Lara came up to me and said "if you ever talk to Leon you'll
be sorry" I think Lara has some major problems. What should I do about Lara?
                      Love Violetta 

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