HaTTer's perspecTive oF LoueH

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This is what I think all about him:

○First of all, da boy is G-A-Y so like... stay da fuq away from him girls ;-;

●He's so so so sweet. If anything, he's the Guardian Angel sent from Demonland awe awe c:

○He's engaged to a guy that I dun know but I know he'll treat him fantastic

●He's my Loubear only I get to call him that- wait... naw his fiance might sooo... I'll call him Louish cuz he's delish.

○He has a son named Andrew. I was at the scene when he was givin birth, um- never put me on the spot again xc but the baby came out beautiful so thank da lord

●He's mah lolipop

○You should be jealous if he dun talk to you because he's sooo amazingg.

●He loves dildos. I like showin him mah magic tricks where I make da dildos appear from his ear or if I pull it from mah pants.

○Don't tell him I said this butt he's a dirty bumbo. Nah I'm just kiddin, that youuuuuu.

●I'm his teddy bear okai? Okai.

○If you hurt him, I will rip off your dick, hammer out your teeth, stuff the teeth in your dick's hole, then make you swallow it c:

●Ummmm.... I'll hack him again when I gotta put more so byeeeee

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