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Phana's pov

I bring my son and my wife to the Funfair and them to the Aquarium today. I just want to spend all day with them today.

Worry about my money since I already quit being a doctor?? You don't have to.. The hospital where Beam and Kit work is mine..Kit help me to manage the hospital while I'm sick. Well Kit family in this business to..So he know everything about manage a hospital. And I also own a flower shop and a cafe.

"Daddy....lets buy an ice cream.!" I look at my son that walking in the middle between me and Wayo. He holds our hand and walked fast with his short legs.

" just done eating candy..and now ice cream??? No baby.." What Wayo said make Cooper stop and frowned. Wayo kneel infront of Cooper and cupped his face .

"Baby...Look at mommy... If you eat too much sweet... Its bad for you... You love mommy right..? " Cooper look at Wayo and nodded his head. "So..???" . Wayo spread his arm waiting for Cooper to hug him back.

Cooper smiled and hug Wayo. Then spread his arm ask me to lifted him up. He giggled when I throw him in the air. Then catch him in my arm.

Its almost 6.30 p.m. And finally Cooper agree to go back home. I open the car door ask him to go into the car. But suddenly his eyes focused on someone and then run toward that person.

I and Wayo run to catch him.

"Uncle Daniel!!" Cooper scream while running toward that person.

"Ohhoo...My baby Cooper..What are you doing here.?? Where's mommy??" He ask while laughing then hugging my son tightly.

I and Wayo stop infront of him. And then I heard my wife laughing.

"Daniel?..No wonder Cooper run like that.." Daniel?? Who is this guy.. Well he look kinda handsome.


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"Aww ..Wayo..What are you doing here.?? I heard you already quit working at the cafe." He said but still hugging Cooper in his arm.  I don't know why but I hate it. So I take Cooper from his hand and he look at me while furrowed his brow.

"And you are?? Wayo?" He look at Wayo.

"Daniel...This is Phana.. My husband and Cooper biological father." That Daniel guy look shocked and its make him stumble a little.

"Daniel...Are you okay??" Wayo ask him. I look deep in that Daniel eyes. Damn it...

He like my wife...

"Baby lets go home." I pulled Wayo hand and push him inside the car leaving Daniel alone. I hand Cooper my tab to make him forget about Daniel. And I just keep holding Wayo hand. I don't want Wayo to dissapear again. I really don't want to.


Wayo's pov

I know theres something wrong with P'Pha. He look anxious since we arrive home this evening. And I know it has something to dk with Daniel. After put Cooper to sleep , I walked toward P'Pha that standing at the balcony.

"P'Pha.." I hug him from behind and kiss his back.

He turn his head and look at me. He loosen my hug and pulled me infront of him and hug me from behind.  He kiss my neck slowly. Then kiss the top of my head.

"Sweetheart? Is there anything you want to ask me?" I ask him while hold his hand that still wrapped around my waist.

"Actually baby.. I want to know how you meet Daniel? Cooper seem to like him." I knew its.. My P'Pha is still the same. Always jaelous.

"Well..I met him 4 years ago.. Thats time I'm a months pregnant. Daniel help me a lot... After I give birth to Cooper we live together along with hia brother. I almost die while giving birth to Cooper. He take care of me and Cooper .The rich kid who never for me and Cooper. He think Cooper like his own baby brother. He always buy what Cooper want. Thats why Cooper always being so clingy toward Daniel."

P'Pha doesn't say anything after I told him what happen. But I has to turn my head to see his face when I feel a warm liquid drop on my shoulder. P'Pha is crying.

"P'Pha..why are you crying..? I'm sorry naa if I say anything that make you sad." He hug him and burried my face on his chest. I hate seeing him crying like this.

"No baby..Its not your fault.. Its mine.. I'm crying because I feels stupid. I can't take care my wife and my son. I let other people do that job. I'm useless. I'm sorry baby..I'm really sorry.. I promise starting from today. I'll do anything for you. I promise."

I just nodded my head and hug him for a few minute more without saying anything.

A/N : I'm sorry for the late update

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A/N : I'm sorry for the late update. I hope this chapter is not boring huh...? I take 4 day to write this chapter..(well usually i just take 1 hour for one chapter) ..Due to my headache and stuff.. I hate being sick..😭😭

I love u guys💞😘

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