Cherry blossom

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i woke up in the morning its 5:30 and its saturday today so i change into an. oversized black tshirt with a bit short shirts then i brushed my teeth and washed my face and wiped it away and i bring my phonr with me as i go outside i saw haru in front of me he is wearing a white tshirt with black jacket and and a reap jeans
(i duno the spelling)
"yah kichan lets go to the park"he said coldly
"a-at this t-time??!" i yelled
"yeah dont shout the neighbors  are still sleeping"he chuckle

At The Park:
"woahh its 6:10 already"i said
"yeah i know" he replied
"lets go bac-"i was cutted of the cherry blossom
"w-wo-w i-i-its s-so b-beautiful h-haru" i said shockly
"i thought you said lets go back. home?" he smirked
"n-no i didn't m-mean it sorry" i said
"cute" he whispered i just pretened that i didnt heard it
as the cherry blossom fell. on my head i blushed so much

Time Skip:
Haru walked me home
and its 6:55 i opened the door nervously as i saw my moms face "Where did you go?" she said
"i-i ju-just u-uhn. w-went ahh u-u ahh y-you k-k-know"i said nervous
"I cant understand you! speak clearly okay?" she said
"u-um. m-mom i went to the park with h-haru"i said
"whos haru? your classmate?"
" um y-yeah"

Time skip
We ate carbonara together my dad is not here he went to a business trip is wife

//lolol sorry for this boring chapter by the way sorry for not uploading btw im filipino guys//

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