Chapter Three - Help </3

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Okay, Thankyou to those of you who are reading this, i really appreciate it! 

Sorry I haven't updated in a little while had an operation on my wrist so i kinda had to let it heal a little before I could type as well as I usually do.. Lol 

Anyways Enjoy (: Comments and Votes much appreciated 

Chapter 3


I hear my dad scream the moment I open the front door.. My Hearts racing as I know I have exactly what’s comes next. I wander into the living room swiftly, the rotten stench of alcohol filling my nose and making me heave.. “Yes daddy?” I say sweetly, picking up rubbish and cramming it into an old Take away bag. To be honest, I'm just doing anything I can to avoid his gaze. “Devon?” My dad say’s in a much quieter tone, and before I know it he’s directly in front of me, his fingers tracing the deep dark circle that is currently framing my eye.. “What happened?” He says almost sounding choked up just looking at me.

I turn my head away suddenly and continue cleaning, “Oh don’t worry about me, dad. We know how clumsy I am.. I just fell that’s all” I say quickly, faking a smile.

“You fell? Where?” He asks concerned, pulling me into a hug as I wince and flinch back as a sudden bursts of pain shoot through my body…

“Just a fall aye?” He pulls up my top just enough to see my stomach and base of my back. My pale white skin had been replaced with bruises and cuts…

“Dad, Seriously… Don’t worry I'm fine. It was a bad fall but I'm okay!” I mumble pulling down my top and darting from the room.

“Devon!! I Do worry!” He shouts behind me.

I throw myself on my bed and find myself sobbing uncontrollably. I didn’t know what to do.

“Josh? Tea’s ready”

I look up from my screen and give her a nod, before following her downstairs. I find myself mingling in conversation across the table, but I'm not taking any of it in. My mind wanders back to Devon.

I had only watched her a few times, as she’s not in a lot…but I know some things going on there


The moment my last spoonful of food as hit my mouth I excuse myself from the table and return to my I pad.

I find Devon now stood opposite the camera staring into a mirror. I watch as she winces with each single movement. And the moment she removes her shirt I see why and I gasp.

My fingers trace the bruises on her skin across the screen and my other hand is covering my mouth in pure shock… No wonder this girl cries I think to myself.

As she removes her trousers it gets no better, her petite frame of milky white skin is lined with blotchy red and purple marks, and there’s really no meat on her at all.

“He loves me. I know he does.. I just didn’t listen, I'm stupid” She says to a tabby cat who is now purring round her feet. “He’ll say sorry, it’ll be okay, I won’t happen again”

It’s as if she’s trying to convince herself more than anyone else. This has happened before, that is clear.. And I'm pretty sure it will happen again.. But by who?


I watch as she runs to the door sliding down it and pressing her fee against the bottom of the bed buckling it to prevent anyone else intruding! “Devon!” the voice booms again louder this time and now I can hear heavy footprints outside her door. “ANSWER ME YOU LITTLE WHORE!”  

Devon’s pressing her hands tightly to her ears and pushing with all her might against the door, but on the 3rd try he’s in. and I see the terror wash through her body as she stiffens. “Dad.. Please… Dad... No” she begins sobbing pleading with him as he glares down at her.

I see hear grab a sheet of her bed and wrap it around her near naked frame, in an attempt to cover any modesty she had left. But he just grabbed it away and pushed against Devon.

Bringing his slimy lips down to her chest as she tried to push against him.. “Dad please don’t”

I watched with tears in my eyes for as long as I could before I found myself racing downstairs.. “Mum! Change of Plan… I need an address for Devon Leake.” I shout and she stares up at me from the bottom of the stairs as I shake..

“He’s raping her mum!” I say as I sink to the floor… “I just watched him rape her and there’s nothing I can do, so I'm going to get her! She’s going to live her! Or I at least need to help her!”

As I'm packing my bags an hour later I find myself curiously looking back to that screen. I wish I hadn’t.

I see Devon lying in the heap on the floor where he had left her, her sobs where the only sounds that filled her dark room and that beautiful girl looked lost behind her hair.

This only confirmed my plans more, I needed to help her.

Even if that’s all the good that comes from these secret cameras, I will be glad that I was able to help a few people... somehow.

I SPY - A Josh Hutcherson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now