Some Business

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(Btw, here you won't look like yourself. For most of the story you will look like this: Your hair mainly black with a small part being white. Eyes: Normally black. Skin color: Pale, I mean.. You are a fallen angel. Uniform: You wear a maid's uniform, the skirt ending just above the knees, all black and white, without the hair accessory. ((I don't know what it's called)) And you wear black flats, without socks, and a slick black bracelet on one wrist and a slick white bracelet on the other.))

"Tonight, My lady?" You calmly replied.

"No. Not tonight. We have business tonight. We're leaving in an hour." Josephine responded, while putting her elbows to her desk.

"Yes, master." You curtsy, then walk off. Your shoes clicked on the tile as you walked down the hall. The clicking stopped as you stopped at the doors of your room. You open the door a step inside.Through the window in your room you could already tell the sun was setting. You quickly got a black lace masquerade for Josephine. She always wore it on trips to the market.

~Time skip~

You and Josephine just recently exited the underground market through a secret passage way. Your eyes scan your surroundings and you stop walking when you notice two figures. 

Then you hear a small voice say, "Be quick, Sebastian, these are the people we've been searching for."

You hear a calm voice respond, "Yes, my lord."

You see a dark, tall figure, lunging towards Josephine. She stands there calmly and puts a hand on her hip. You appear in front of Josephine , quickly spread your fingers, revealing small blades. He seemed to be holding silverware. Hm.. You thought to yourself. You didn't spare a second before flinging your blades towards this tall, slender man "Sebastian".  Of course you were in no means to hurt him. The blades simply pinned him to a near by building. But right before he was pinned he threw a fork, with deadly accuracy, at your neck, you caught it just before it came in contact and spun it between your fingers. You slowly walked up to him, smirking lightly.

"Didn't Mommy tell you not to mess with women like me?" You said then you flipped backwards taking Josephine. And you were both gone.

~Sebastian P.O.V.~

I break free easily and walk up to Ciel.

He calmly said, "Until next time. We need them both alive anyway." I simply nodded, deep in thought. What was this girl?.. It's simple to tell that she isn't human..

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