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Eun Ji's pov

I walked around the park thinking about this Jimin guy. Should I be scared, I looked down at my wrist it still hurts. It was so bad that you can still see the marking of his hands. I stopped looking at my wrist and sat on the swings, from afar I saw a couple having an argument. It was pretty serious suddenly the guy looked my way and started coming towards the swings oh crap should I run.

Then I realised who it was "crap" I said under my breath and tried to run.

"WAIT!" He yelled

I stopped running and stood still as I swallowed the saliva in my mouth which made a loud gulping sound. I slowly turned around.

"Hi" I smiled

"Can you help me" Baekhyun begged as he put his hands together.

"Uh sure" I said unsure

"Thank you" he grabbed my wrist and I winced in pain but he didn't hear and continue walking toward his girlfriend Becky.

"Becky this is the girl I'm dating now so please stop I really don't feel the same way for you anymore" Baekhyun said as I stood there confused since when was I dating Baekhyun.

"Wait what??" I said confused and he squeezed my wrist as some kind of signal.

"Wait so you're saying you're going to break up with me on my birthday and that the bear with the ring isn't because you were going to marry me, but was a prank from your friend. When you actually told your friend to say you wanted to break up with me because you were dating this bitch" she said in a frustrated tone as she pointed to me.

"Yes and no I did not just meet this girl and she is my girlfriend, I'm sorry that I cheated on you and never told you" Baekhyun said calmly

"Well prove it to me that you are dating because I still don't believe you want to break up with me" she started to get more scary looking.

I was so confused but then it clicked this is happening because of me because of the ring and letter hahahah I didn't think it'll turn out like this.

"Becky I don't need to prove if she's my girlfriend" he said as he intertwine his fingers with mine. I felt disgusted by his gesture and tried to remove my hand but he gripped harder.

Becky saw him interwine his fingers with mine and glared at me then looked at Baekhyun. "you're gonna regret this BAEKHYUN! UGH!" She screamed as she stomped away.

Baekhyun then lets go of my hand and I held it with my other hand I felt the throbbing feeling in both my hand and wrist. He looked at me then apologised then walked away sad.

"Um wtf" was all I said as I walked back home.


Baekhyun: Becky and I broke up because of you

I smirked I know I was there but at the same time I felt bad

Me: omg how

Baekhyun: don't play dumb Eun sang you know I'll make you regret everything you done to me today

I didn't reply I just left him on read. When I finally got home Kim ra/Min Ji wasn't home so I went in my room and fell asleep.

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