The Trip To New York

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At 10;20pm Mike was walking around in the city of New York when he so a sign on this store called Peter's Fortunes mike entered an when he was inside he ask the lady in the casher excuse me am looking for a job an i was wondering if you don't need another person to help? an the lady responded well we do but you need to ask my boss first? okay thanks an where his he may i ask said mike? um he is in his office but wait here i well find him for you said the lady? okay thank you i well just look around said mike? okay just wait right here said the lady? so while mike was waiting for the lady to bring her boss he so something outside he went to see an what he so made him run when mike arrived on this junk food restaurant he so his best friend Roger's on the floor with bruises all over him mike got angry an called the police when the police arrived mike told the police what happened to his friend an the police told him we will find who did this an mike said you better or i well when the police left mike went to the hotel where he is staying an when he arrived he so that Lena was inside the hotel room taking a shower mike wanted to see if she was there but he was to shy to enter the bathroom so he waited so while mike waited he got a call from the number that his grandma gave him mike answer an they say to him

Hi are you mike?

Yes who is this?

Am going to give you a job but listen meet me tonight at
Peter's Fortunes at 11;00 but hurry?

Okay witch his know ill meet you there then said

Yes but hurry i have i meeting in 10 minutes
said the mysterious person?

all right be there in a flash said

Okay just hurry said
the mysterious person?

So That night mike quickly head out to meet this mysterious person at the Peters Fortunes when mike got to the store he so that the guy was wearing a decorated mask mike with a smile on face said why are you wearing that ridicules mask the guy got out a knife an putting on mike's neck an said it covers my face an it helps that people don't see what is under this mask mike got scared an said you are serious about this covering your face thing here is your mission you have to kill the owner of the bank an rob his assistant an if you get this mission right i pay you 145 million dollars deal or no deals said the mysterious man deal an what supplies should i use to kill this owner of the bank guy said mike well am going to give you this case an inside this case will help you kill the owner of the bank an remember don't let nobody see you said the mysterious man an how can i had my face if there is a lot  of cameras inside of the bank said mike well your in luck am going to give you this special mask put it on an only use it when your going to kill said the mysterious man what should i call you an when should i kill this owner guy said mike well mike call me jerry an tonight while he is in his office with his assistant said jerry ooh i see you want me to kill him an kidnap his assistant said mike yes do it good an clean don't let the cops know that some crazy guy kill him for nothing said jerry okay i well said mike i hope so good luck an don't let the security guard see you said jerry okay i wont said mike

That same night mike on his first job went quietly an sneaky to enter the bank when he got inside the bank he found a hidden place to open his case that his boss gave him when mike opened it he so this 20 inch rifle he grabbed it an got out of the hidden place he was hidden an went to find where was the owner of the bank when mike got where was the owner he so that the guy was doing weird love action with the assistant so mike push the door an pointed his rifle at the guy an the guy said please don't shoot i have a wife an mike said well to bad you should have cheated on her an when he finished saying that phrase he shooters at the guy an the bolt landed on his forehead when mike killed the guy he grabbed the girl tired her in the chair then grabbed some gloves an started cleaning the blood then cleaned a gun that he found hidden in a chair an put it on the guys hand then untied the girl an grabbed her an ran out with the girl then when he was out hidden with the girl right behind him all tied up he called his boss and said

Boss jerry i killed the guy an i have the girl said

Okay good stay where you are my assistant well pick you up 
said jerry?

ill right see you later boss
said mike?

While mike was waiting for his boss assistant the girl who was tied up said why did you kill my boyfriend for you mean your married boyfriend well it doesn't matter why did you kill him its my job an quiet my boss assistant is here when the assistant came the assistant said hi my boss what you to know if the girl is well dressed am a little bit dressed why well am going to buy something for you because my boss has a lot of guest in the house okay an what about me said mike well you too but don't worry you see that black bag open it there is your suit where it but don't take your mask off okay an what about the girl does she have to wear a mask too yes but she is a different kind of mask okay well lets enjoy this amazing party

At the Party mike an the girl where not they only ones wearing mask jerry told mike come with me to my office an bring the girl so mike an the girl went to Jerry's office when they where inside of the office jerry gave mike his money an his friend got his girl back ooh that is why you wanted me to kidnap the girl to give it to your friend said mike is there a problem with that said jerry no sir so what is my other mission sir said mike right know i what you to go home an rest or enjoy the party with me said jerry you know what sir i rather go home i have someone waiting for me may be another time said mike ooh okay is it a girl well see you soon then enjoy the money said jerry i well sir bye an have a nice night said mike you too man have a nice night said jerry when mike got out of the party he went back to the hotel to see if Lena was there but when he got to the hotel room he so that Lena was not there but Lena wrote on a paper saying

Hi mike am coming late i found a job i would be home until 12am so don't wait for me
see you tomorrow your friend Lena

Mike with a frown on his face grabbed the money putted on a safe place then went to the bathroom took a shower then went to bed an started watching TV when he turned the TV on he heard about a strange guy with a mask who killed Bob the owner of the bank called queen mike with a smile on a face said am the famous killer when mike finish watching TV he turned the TV of an went to bed when mike was sleeping Lena came all tired an so mike with his pajama pants on an his white tank top up showing his belly button Lena quietly grabbed a pajama from the bag an went to the bathroom to take a shower then she put the pajama pants an went silently to where mike was sleeping an went to sleep too

The next morning mike woke up went outside to buy some breakfast while Lena was sleeping an while he was paying breakfast he got a message from his boss saying

Mike hurry up paying your breakfast someone is spying on you hurry an safe your girl before
its too late.

Okay sir i well thanks see you soon then an don't worry ill go back to my hotel room.

Good oh an your next mission is to go to Miami to kill a guy named Alfred bars kill him an then rescue
my sister April.

Okay sir i have to go alone or i have to bring my girl what should i do.

No go alone ill find someone to protect your girl just finish the mission then come back hurry i wanted clean just like you did yesterday.

Okay sir thanks an i well bring your sister back.

Good an keep your self hidden from the guards have a safe trip.

thanks sir see you soon bye.

Okay mike see you then.

So that morning mike rush with his breakfast lunch to the hotel then when he arrived there he grabbed his things started putting it on the case that his boss gave him when he finished he rushed to take a shower when he finished Lena was still sleeping she was tired from the work she found mike wrote her a note saying

HI Lena its me mike a found a good job that will bay me 145 million dollars i well tell you what it is but right know i have a mission to go to Miami but listen don't talk to anyone an stay away from the police an be safe your friend mike

While mike went to Miami Lena read the note that mike wrote her Lena was scared an worried but she remembered that mike needed the money to help his grandma an make his mother proud an Lena remembered too that when she was little that she well help her mother no matter what type of work she is doing she well be fine 


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