Part 14

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Zoey and Eli looked at each other and didn't know how to react.
What were Fiona and Tyler doing?
At their dorm?

"Eh..." Zoey bit on her lip.
Fiona sighed and she stood up. "Tyler, it's time for you to leave."
Tyler rolled his eyes and stood up too.
When he walked by, Eli hold his arm.
"What the hell are you doing?" He whispered.
"The same as you." Tyler winked at Eli and he left the dorm.

"You and Tyler?" Zoey asked.
"Tyler the cheater?"
Fiona didn't react and she wanted to leave to her room but Zoey hold her arm.
"Can you say something?"
Fiona nodded.
"So you can bring Eli but I can't bring Tyler?"
Zoey didn't know how to react to that.
"Also, your shoes stink."
Fiona faked a smile and walked to her room.

Zoey looked at her shoes and forgot the kid who puked on her.
"Ye..." she said with a disgusted face and took them off.
"I guess I should go," Eli said.
"No, no! Please, stay." Zoey said and she smiled.
"I need to do stuff." He looked after Tyler and Zoey sighed.
She gave him a kiss on his cheek and Eli smiled.

"I'll talk to you later." He said.
Zoey nodded and Eli walked away.
She closed the door and took a deep breath.

Austin and Naomi were eating somewhere when Serena and Yohan came sitting next to them.
"Hey guys" Serena said.
Austin and Yohan gave each other a man-hug.
"Any plans?" Yohan asked.
Naomi looked at Austin and she shaked her head.
"We're just hanging" she said.
"I'm gonna go home after this" Austin said without looking at Naomi.

Naomi bit on her lips.
"Yeah, I have stuff to do too." She said.
Austin got annoyed and looked at Yohan.
Yohan understood that this wasn't what Austin wanted..

That night..
Ashley came back from the hospital and she was pretty annoyed about today.
She sat on the couch and Zoey came sitting next to her.
"How was your day?" Zoey asked.
They both stared at the tv that wasn't even on.

"It sucked." Ashley said.
"Same." Zoey sighed.
"Austin came."
Zoey's eyes became bigger but they stilll stared at the tv. That... still wasn't even on.

"Eli came." Zoey told.
"He saw me talking to Jimmy and got mad." Ashley rolled her eyes.
"Jimmy? What the hell. Also, Fiona was here with Tyler."
Ashley's eyes became bigger.
"Wow. We're totally missing out of her life."
Zoey nodded.
"And a kid puked all over me."
"Didn't surprise me." Ashley sighed and she looked at her phone.

She saw a picture on instagram and sighed.
"What?" Zoey asked.
Ashley showed Zoey the picture she just saw.
"Naomi posted seventeen minutes ago. Perfect."
Ashley threw her phone away.
"You... didn't like Austin?"
Ashley didn't react to that and walked to her room..

The next morning..
The guys-dorm and the girls-dorm connected with each other and they planned some things out for the prom night.

Becky walked trough the hallways.
"The boys has to ask the girls!" She said all yelling.
Naomi looked at her dress in the mirror.
"Do you think Austin will like it?"

Serena walked trough the hallway too when she walked pass Fiona.
They didn't even say anything to each other and they just walked pass each other..

It was a busy day.
Zoey was working at the dentist.
She helped the dentist with an old man, cleaning his teeth.
He came with his grandson and he was waiting for him.

"GRANDPA ARE YOU DEAAAAD" the kid yelled.
Zoey's eyes became bigger and she looked at the kid.
"Eh.. Kiddo, we're busy with your grandpa's teeth, so he can't answer you" she said all smiley.
"SO HE'S DEAD?" The kid yelled.
"What?! NO!" Zoey yelled back.
"Zoey please, this is the second time." The dentist looked at Zoey.

Zoey sighed.
She really needed to shut up.

Later that day...
Ashley and Serena were on a shift together, but they had a break together and they went to have lunch together.
"Did you find a dress yet?" Serena asked.
Ashley totally forgot.
"No.. I completly forgot" she said.

"Oh my god! That's like the most important thing of our lives! How can you forget prom?" Serena looked at Ashley and Ashley didn't know what to say.
"Okay you like someone."
Ashley coughed on her drink and Serena got nervous.
"Oh my god, I'm totally right." She said.

Ashley shaked her head but she became so red.
"Ashley we're nurses! You know we can see when someone lies! Oh my god, you like Ryan too, right?"
Ashley raised her eyebrows.
"Wa.. what?"
Serena nodded.

"After Max's birthday! He really liked you! I guess he's going to ask you to prom!" She told.
Ashley didn't know anything about this.
What the hell was going on?
"I'm so gonna fix this!" Serena smiled.

It was evening.
The girls were eating together but it was quiet.
No one said anything.
Ashley caught and she looked at Zoey.
Zoey didn't understand what Ashley was trying to say.
Ashley rolled her eyes.
"So... Tyler huh?"
They both looked at Fiona and she sighed.

"What's up with you two? Don't think we forgot." Ashley said.
"There's literally nothing" Fiona said.
"Uhu" Zoey said.
"Except the fact that you slept with him." Ashley said.
Fiona looked at her and smiled.
"So you guys can have fun and I can't?"

Ashley and Zoey looked at each other.
"Do you think I'm having fun?" Ashley asked.
"We don't sleep with cheaters." Zoey said.
Fiona sighed.
"You guys have Austin and Eli. Who do I have?"

Zoey smiled, but Ashley got annoyed.
"There's nothing between me and Austin oh my god! You guys are crazy," she said.
"Uhu" Zoey said again.
"By the way... I'm going to prom with Ryan." She said.

Zoey and Fiona looked at Ashley.
"WHAT?!" Zoey was shooketh.
"Are you kidding me?" She asked.
Ashley shaked her head.
"Serena told me he liked me and that he would ask me to prom." She said.

"So there's a prom?" Fiona asked and she looked at the girls.
"Why do I not know these things?" She asked.
"Because you are never with us" Zoey explained but she looked back at Ashley.
"But you're probably kidding. Right? Tell me you're making a joke" she said.
Ashley sighed and shaked her head.
"If he will ask me, I'll say yes."

Ashley didn't react on that.
"We were talking about Tyler." She said.
"No we didn't." Fiona said.
Ashley rolled her eyes, stood up and walked away.
Fiona sighed and did the same thing.
"What the hell?" Zoey looked around her but the girls already left..

The next day..
"You need to come!!" Serena pushed Ashley to walk.
"I don't want-"
"Hi friends!" Serena said with a big smile.
Max, Yohan, Harry, Becky, Naomi and Ryan were eating breakfast together.
Ashley looked at them and waved.

Max and Yohan looked at Ryan and they winked at him.
Ryan smiled.
"Oh look! There's a seat! Next to Ryan. Come on." Serena pushed Ashley to sit there, and she did.
"Hey babe" Yohan said and he kissed Serena.
"Hi" she said smiling.

"Any shock news?" Becky asked.
No one said something but Naomi smiled.
"I'm so ready for the prom." She said and she looked at Ashley.
"Do you have someone to go with?" She asked.
Ashley didn't answer.
"I feel like Austin is going to ask me!"
Ashley cought and Naomi looked at her.
"What?" She said.
Naomi raised her eyebrows and drunk her tea.

Zoey and Fiona went shopping for the prom too.
They heard everyone talking about it and it was the next weekend.
They looked at dresses.
Zoey liked every dress she saw, but Fiona didn't react to any of them..

Jimmy was still laying in his bed in his room.
"Everyone is busy with the prom now.. no one is coming to see me" he said.
He looked at his fingers.
"No one is coming.."
He smiled.
He got a plan.
"Then I'll come to the prom."

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