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Noboru Clan
Okay, before I get into Nori and her parents I have to explain the Noboru clan first, because everything eventually leads back to them. So usually, being able to manipulate ice wasn't unusual, but the only known way to do that was by the Yuki clans technique of using wind release and water release (Haku from the first mission comes from the Yuki clan), however the Noboru's don't use wind release, which is why they are so strange to other ninja's.

So what everyone in the shinobi world knows about the Noboru's is that they used to be farmers near Uzushiokagure, and they made their living by selling food and the stuff they grow to the Uzumaki clan, they weren't a ninja clan. Until one day a baby was born with powers of ice, and so everything after that was history. That's what everyone knows about the Noboru's beginnings, but it's all kept very hush hush and so outsiders know nothing about it.

So basically, the back story of how the Noboru's got their power is that an Uzushio ninja messed up with sealing an ice dragon and it was unleashed upon the Noboru clan and put them in constant cold, killing their food and stopping any vegetation from growing. Uzushio ninja's eventually learned that sealing the ice dragon into a scroll wouldn't work and so they decided to go with a human vessel, very similar to jinchuriki. They split the dragon into four because it's power was too much for one vessel, and sealed it into Noboru clans people and anyone born from those four people were given powers to control ice.

Out of fear they would loose their newfound powers if the dragon was to be released, the Noboru clan leaders kept the origins of their powers a secret to anyone who wasn't a vessel or a clan leader and had an Uzumaki ninja seal the dragon into another vessel when the previous vessel became sick or too old. The two clans continued on like that until the war in Uzushio happened and the Uzumaki's fanned out across the country in hiding for their safety, leaving the Noboru clan with only one Uzumaki woman left to help them reseal the dragon. This Uzuamki woman wasn't allowed to leave the Noboru clan and was kept on a very tight lease, she was even forced to marry someone from the clan, who she eventually had a child with. They named her Noriyuki, and she was born with hair as red as her mothers.

Nori was born to Noboru Nobuyuki, a very cold and stern man, and Uzumaki Junko, a woman with long red hair who had a mental illness, caused by stressed, where she goes from really zoned out to being focused and paranoid, and only rarely being the gentle caring person she used to be.

Okay so, ya'll know how Nori doesn't really remember a chunk of her childhood? There's an explanation for that and here it is! So when she was about 7 years old, one of the vessels to the ice dragon became ill and so it was Junko's job to seal it into another vessel, who the clan leaders chose to be her husband, Nobuyuki. However instead of sealing it into her husband, she instead sealed the fourth half into Nori in the middle of the night and as Nori woke up in pain, her mother whispered to her. "Don't fear death, accept it and you'll live much easier." And then she sealed Nori's memories and set her off in the direction of Konoha. Nori witnesses her mother being killed as she hides in the bushes as the clansmen search for Nori and she heads to Konoha. When she arrives she is crying, as Kakashi once mentioned in a previous chapter that she remembers her arriving to Konoha, with ninja surrounding her as she cried. The last words her mother says to her is the reason why she doesn't fear death.

The Noboru clan initially believes that since they have three halves of the dragon they are okay without the fourth half and so they don't pursue Nori for years, until they learn that the other three vessels are starting to die. Idk if you guys remember but when Nori meets Mayu and Hiiro she notices that there is black markings on their wrists, kind of like tattoos, and later on in the story Nori meets other clan members and sees that they also have strange black markings like tattoos on their bodies and she eventually is told that the markings are results of Noboru's failed attempts at sealing the dragon themselves and the reason why the Noboru clan becomes interested in Nori after all these years is because they think that because she is part Uzumaki she'll be able to learn Fuinjutsu to carry on sealing the dragon.

Eventually in the future, after a lot of training and practice she learns Fuinjutsu and seals all four parts of the dragon into herself when she learns that even the dragon has a time limit in life and she will be his very last vessel, and when she dies so will the dragon, and the Noboru clan's future will be left to be a mystery on whether their powers will remain after Nori dies.
(I kind of thought that having an epilogue into the future about a humble farmer who lived a peaceful life with his family and eventually his name would be revealed to be Noboru, meaning that after Nori died the clan lost their powers. But then I also thought about an epilogue where it's placed directly after Nori's funeral and people haven't tested to see if they have powers still, and eventually it's found that they do have power still and they all celebrate and there's snow ball fights and fun stuff where they learn to accept their powers as something other than a weapon. But idk, I guess ya'll could decide which outcome you like better)

Nori's Abilities

The Noboru clan has a very distinct style of fighting that they've mastered over the years with a really strict training process but because Nori grew up in Konoha without proper training she creates her own style that it different from the "predictable Noboru's" as a shinobi once said. Her ice release is also very erratic and violent, as she doesn't hold back or follow strict training like the others and this startles Hiiro and Mayu greatly, as they'd never seen the Noboru style used like that.

So I kind of imagined that Mayu and Hiiro's ice is smooth and shiny whenever they use their powers because of the strict training they went through while Nori's is very jagged and frosty.

If you guys have any questions on Nori or the outcome just ask and I'll answer. 

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