Part Eight

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Niall actually got 30 days in prison instead of house arrest. Before he left, he texted me saying he did it for me. When he gets out he’ll just have community service and we can have the whole summer together if I want.

I miss him a lot and I know he loves me. I don’t doubt it anymore. He has only a few days left but I’m going to visit him. My parents don’t know, but I’d still go if they didn’t want me to.

When I got there, they searched me and then brought me into the visitors’ area. I was sat at a table with other people at tables around me. The prisoners were brought in and Niall grinned at my surprise visit.

He was led to the seat across from me. “I thought it was one of the boys again.”

“Nope, me.”

“I’m glad, baby.” He reached over the table with his hands cuffed together.

I put my hands in his. “I’ll be the picking you up next week.”

“Yeah?” he perked up more.

“Mhmm.” I smiled and took in his appearance. “You look so strange without your piercings.”

“I know.” He reached up to his lip and brow. “I’ve gotten a few tattoos in here and I work out a lot. You’ll love that I hope.” He winked.

“Oh yes. I will.” I bit my lip. “I’ve been thinking of you a lot this past month, baby. I even had some of my dreams again.”

“Mmm.” He shut his eyes and shifted in his seat. “Baby I can’t wait to get out now even more.”

“I’ll make it the best day of your life.”

A bell signaled that there was 15 minutes left.

“Anyway, I came here to tell you something.”

“Yeah?” He raised a brow.

“Yeah, I’m going the State University that is in fact close to home, which you already know and I’ve convinced my parents that I need the full experience so I’m staying on campus. I can come visit you all the time and my parents won’t have to know until they cool off and we’re ready.”

“That’s great, baby.” He gave my hands a squeeze.

“I do love you, Niall.”

“I love you too but you already knew that.” He smirked.

“It’s always nice to hear though."


It is just a few days before Niall gets out and I told my parents about us, which was mistake but it had to be done. I told them I was picking him up and then spending the day with him.

“(y/n)! There is no way we are allowing you to do such a thing! You’re going to ruin your life being with that… that… CONVICT!” My mom screamed.

“I love him and he loves me! There’s no stopping me, I’m eighteen!” I yelled back.

“Then leave now.” My dad said looking at me with a stern face. “You’re an adult then you can be one. Adults don’t live with their parents.”

My mom was about to argue with my dad, not really wanting me to go, but he was serious.

“Fine! I’m going to pack then.”

I stomped up the stairs and grabbed two suitcases I had. I put in all my clothes and necessities. I didn’t need to take all the things I just had lying around. If I needed anything else I’ll just come back. My mom will let me. I just have to do it while my dad is at work, but I grabbed as much as I could so I don’t have to.

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