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A/N: lore, you're the most insufferable human i know. i thought i was a chill person and then i met you and my life became a series of take-deep-breaths experiences. weirdly enough, something about you is inspiring and makes me thrive to be better, so i'll forever be grateful to camren and lucy and 5h (and yasmine) for you.

i'm sorry my writing isn't as good as your love for camcy, but i promise i gave my best. happy belated bday, boo.

A/N 2: i decided to add the c*mren tag because the fic is camila-centric and a lot of her journey in it is camila coming to terms with her history with lauren. laucy is tagged coz it's impossible to be camila falling for lucy and sort through one without the other.

A/N 3: there's some spanish throughout the fic, check the comments for translations if you need them.

A/N 4: this fic now has a playlist:




Camila's first instinct when she sees her is to duck behind Ariana like a coward.

(ducking behind Ariana is a feat in itself, Camila consoles herself as she clasps the belt of her friend's outfit to keep her in place.)

They're at a high-end party in a mansion somewhere in the Valley, the type of event Camila doesn't mind because she can network and hang out with friends she hasn't seen in a while. It's a fun way to spend the time during promotion season and before she goes on tour. The music is good, the DJ expertly going from one song to another from all the artists present, and so far everyone is just enjoying themselves without excesses.

"Mila, what are you doing?" Ariana asks, trying to reach behind her to pull Camila forward.

"Lucy is here!" Camila whisper-yells, moving them towards a more crowded area where they can remain safe from unwanted attention.

"Who?" Ariana frowns, turning around to face her. "I don't know any Lucy."

Camila rolls her eyes. Sometimes she forgets that Ariana and Selena and Taylor have gotten to a point where they're larger than life, surrounded only by A-list celebrities and names, and away from the mostly B-to-Z list that used to be her life.

"Lucy Vives."

A flash of recognition passes in Ariana's eyes and Camila would be lying if she said she didn't find it extremely cute how Ariana brings her slim fingers to cover her mouth in an expression of shock.

"Lauren's ex?!"

Camila nods, blushing. Sometimes she feels embarrassed about the whole thing: the follows and unfollows on social media, the polite bitterness of a relationship gone awry that you can't get away from. Having to see Lauren with Lucy had been torture, but ever since she'd left Fifth Harmony, Camila catches herself wondering what happened between them, what could have possibly gone wrong?

They seemed so perfect for each other.

"What is she doing here?" Ariana takes a champagne glass from a waiter's tray and passes it to her. "Is she someone's date?"

"Well, her father is Carlos Vives, I'm sure she has contacts in the industry." Camila shrugs, swallowing a huge gulp of the drink. "Also I heard she is recording an album so maybe she's here as the artist Lucy Vives and not socialite-slash-model Lucy Vives."

Ariana studies her with a sympathetic look that leaves Camila conflicted. She doesn't like being pitied. She isn't sure there's anything to feel sorry for in loves that burn and fade.

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