Chapter Seventeen: Wings

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She had never been good with planes. They freaked her out, and despite knowing that a very small percent of people would actually die in a plane crash, she always found herself tensing whenever the plane would hit a pocket of turbulence.

She was trying to hide it from the man sitting next to her, who had his eyes buried in a book, and other than a few terse words early in the flight, had not spoken to her at all. Pretending to be asleep helped a bit; she didn't have to focus upon schooling her figures into a mildly disinterested look every time the plane dipped slightly.

The connecting flight from LAX to Seoul would be worse, however. At least on this flight, there was land beneath her, and that grounded her enough to keep moderately calm. The second flight would be over water, something she'd never flown over before, and it freaked her out a little more than a bit.

When she was a child, her family had taken a plane, once, to the West Coast for a cousin's wedding. She had been excited then, until the plane took off and she realized that she would be trapped in that small space for hours at a time. That fear had followed her into her teens, where she would drive or take trains to get far distances. She preferred the feeling of the ground beneath her, despite all the modern conveniences of flying.

The ground didn't disappear beneath her. Air did.


He stood in front of the door, Mun Ai in his arms, and hesitated before pushing the door open. Jade was still leaning against the armrest of the couch, eyes closed peacefully as she thought quietly, still murmuring under her breath in a combination of English and Korean, small Spanish phrases thrown in at times where she was too excited or confused.

"Jade?" he whispered as he stepped into her small living room, taking his shoes off at the door.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled serenely at him through her lashes, looking more herself than she had in weeks, untorn by the battle waging on in her mind,

"Namjoon," she replied, and held her arms out for her daughter.

He passed Mun Ai to her gently, and she held her close to her chest, one hand snaking out to reach Namjoon's.

"The family is finally together," she sighed, eyes drooping from exhaustion.

"It worked, then?" Namjoon questioned.

"There are still some blank spots, but everything seems to be back where it belongs."

"Blank spots?"

"Little things that are hovering on the very edge on my consciousness, that haven't quite found their place in my head," Jade smiled, "but they're hardly important. I can remember all of the life-changing things."


"Hyung, can I talk to you for a second?" Taehyung asked Jin, who was sitting on the curb outside of Jade's apartment building.

"Of course, Tae. What's up?"

"It's about (y/n), or more specifically (y/n) and I."


The call to the pack came from Jane for the first time, and the members, including you, rushed to Jade's apartment as quickly as possible.

You weren't exactly sure what to expect when you got there; though it was clear that Jade had not died, it was not clear whether her memories had returned or not. Therefore, arriving at her doorstep was met with a feeling of apprehension.

When you knocked, it was Jin who opened the door, and you stepped in only to be met by the rest of the pack surrounding Jade and Namjoon. Jade was sitting up, holding Mun Ai, and smiling and talking with all of the members. It was a nostalgic sight; it reminded you of the first time you had met all of Bangtan, as well as Jade and Dinah.

Dinah, you noticed, was conspicuously absent from the reunion.

When Tae noticed you, he made his way over, squeezing behind a cuddling Jimin and Hoseok. He wrapped an arm around your waist and placed a light kiss to the top of your head, and you let yourself melt into him as you watched the people around you - your family - laugh with each other, the mood in the room light for the first time in months.

"We have an announcement to make," Jade yelled over the din, smiling wider and brighter than you had ever seen.

"It's kind of important, and some of you may know it already, but we wanted to make it official," Namjoon added. His eyes hadn't moved from Jade since you entered the room, and they remained trained on her, even as he addressed the room, as though he was afraid that she would disappear.

"We've decided who Mun Ai's godfather is going to be," Jade beamed up at Namjoon. "I, for one, think that he'll do a wonderful job."

"Just tell us already!" Jimin laughed, jostling Hoseok's arm from their position in the armchair.

"Yoongi, we considered you for a while, being my beta and all. But ultimately, we decided that Jungkook would be the best fit," Namjoon explained, and the room exploded into congratulations to Jungkook.

Yoongi smiled softly at Namjoon and Jade before raising his voice.

"Not to take the attention away from Jungkook," he began, shifting Min-Jae in his lap. "But Dinah and I are splitting up for good. I'm keeping Min-Jae, but I'm definitely going to need the help and support of the pack while I adjust."

Both you and Jade responded at the same time: "Of course."

A shocked gaze was shared between you two, and the room seemed to be holding its breath.

"(y/n)," Jade began, and you were sure that she was about to ask you to take a step back. "Thank you so much for everything you did while I couldn't remember. I can't stress enough how much it means to me. You held them together while I couldn't, and I will never be able to repay you for that. Thank you. That being said," she laughed, "let yourself be young for a little bit longer; I think I can handle being the mom of the group again."

Merry Christmas ( or happy Monday) everybody! So far, it's been a great day. I got Love Yourself: Her, BTS socks, and one of those Suga hip-hop monster plushies.

There's only one more chapter after this one, and then bonus content will be post on the 30th.

Always and Forever,


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