Yeobo material

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Taehyung: umm... My dongsaeng,
as you can see. She is Jennie from Blackpink... And...

Eon Jin: ommo ommo! She is real! Kyahh!!!(throws pillow)

Taehyung: oh my ghad! Calm down. Umm... She is here as a guest. She will be with us for chuseok.

Jeong gyu: hyung, stop! Your kidding.
Oh! Could you be dating Jennie noona?

Taehyung facepalmed while Jennie blushed.

Eon Jin: Whoaa!!! Oppa, your so daebak to have Jennie of Blackpink as you're girlfriend. (Thumbs up)

Jennie: N..No...I'm not his girlfriend.

Taehyung: Listen, I invited her so stop thinking weird. We are just friends...(paused and looks at Jennie's shy face) For now, so calm down.

Eon jin: oh my ghad oppa!!! (Covers her mouth) So your planing to date then... Kyahh!!! Sister inlaw!

Taehyung pushes jennie going to his room and left his siblings still excited at seeing jennie.

Taehyung's room

Taehyung: you can sleep here. I'll sleep at the living room. Don't worry,
I'll talk to them.

Jennie: I want to know them...

Taehyung: tommorow you can talk . You should rest it's almost 12.

Jennie nods and Taehyung went out the door making jennie all alone lying on his bed.

Living room

Taehyung : I miss you guys.(hugs his siblings)

Eon Jin: congratulations on BTS successfull comeback oppa.

Jeong gyu: We are all so proud of you hyung and the other members. But you're only friends with Blackpinks jennie hyung?

Taehyung: yeah.. So you guys should stop teasing or asking us. But.. Where is mom and dad? Why are you guys here? As mom said you 4 are going to uncles place.

Eon Jin: Mom and Dad are still there but Jeong gyu has other plans and I also have something to go to early tomorrow so we go home first.

Taehyung: I see, you'll meet jennie tommorow morning . She is now sleeping so...

Jeong gyu: aeuu ~~ this hyung.
I heard her....she wants to meet and talk with us.

Taehyung: yah! You should sleep now, go in your rooms and sleep peacefully.

Morning: Time 5:00 am

Taehyung wakes from some noises he heard and heads to the direction where it was. Surprised at what he saw,he scratched his eyes, to his surprise he saw Jennie busy on the kitchen counter.

Taehyung slowly walks behind her who is busy slicing some vegetables. He blows in her ear making Jennie startled and almost shouts in surprise.

Jennie: what are you doing! My heart literally jump. (Touches her chest )

Taehyung: your cooking breakfast? I can't wait to taste it. But you know, you should not make this tho...

Jennie: hey! go away and let me finish so that you and your siblings can eat.

Taehyung walks away sits in the couch and turns the tv on,still stealing glances at the busy Jennie.

After an hour of cooking Taehyung's sister and brother has finished washing up and went out of their room both are surprised at the smell of the house.

Eon Jin: oppa, what did you cook? It smells delicious.

Taehyung: I'm not cooking.. Look at the kitchen.

The younger ones saw jennie plating the dishes.

Jeong gyu: umm...Noona, you should've done this.

Jennie: no.. It's ok, let's eat breakfast together. Tae oppa, come! food is ready!

Eon Jin, gyeong and Taehyung sat on their sits, jaws drop as they saw the food she just cook.

Taehyung: This looks great..

Eon Jin: wow unnie! you cook all this? This looks so delicious,if oppa cooked out breakfast it will be just ramen and eggs. Kamsahamnida (bows)

Jennie laughs at her comment about Taehyung. Taehyung excitedly looks at the food.

Taehyung: Let's eat! Jen sit beside me.

Jeong gyu : this is really awesome! to be able to eat Jennie from Blackpinks cooking.

Jennie: enjoy the food and let's get closer.Oppa, do you like hot chocolate?

Taehyung nods and sips the cup.
They eat the food Jennie cooked but Jennie noticed some eyes that is like nailed at her.

Jennie: stop staring oppa, just eat please!

Taehyung: you know... you're such a yeobo material.

Jennie almost choke at her food while his brother and sister starts teasing at them.

Eon Jin: ayeeehhh~~ oppa really!

Gyeong: hyung do you want to get married?

Taehyung: look at her! She is pretty and is a delicious cook. Where could you find a chíc and sweet girl at the same time?

Jennie smacks Taehyung's arm nonstop making his younger brother and sister laugh.

Gyeong: hyung and noona is so cute...

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