The Deal is Struck

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After that day in the dressing room I never let Snow out of my sight. Even when we were in the carriage riding to the palace I made sure that Snow was sitting next to me the whole way. I was just so shocked when I heard what Regina said. But I promised myself that I would find out why she wanted to kill Snow. But I had to give it to Regina she hid her hate pretty well. She smiled at Snow and my father the whole way; But I still felt the anger radiating from her. When we got to the palace Regina's mother kept looking around at the palace with a disapproving look. It was as if she had lived in a place ten times better. It made me sick.

A few days later the wedding took place in our palace courtyard. Of course my father made sure that it was all extravagant. I made sure that I left right after the ceremony with Snow at my side. I wasn't about to celebrate the wedding of a stepmother who was probably using my father and trying to kill my sister. I wasn't about to stick around. Snow was no fool; she knew that something was wrong. After the ceremony she asked me. But I just couldn't tell her; she was to young. I just told her that I'd tell her when she was older. But she still wasn't convinced. "I know you Ellie. Something is wrong and I want to know NOW." Snow said with so much anger I was surprised that she didn't lash out. I had never seen her this way; ever. "Snow calm down." I said with as much calmness as I could. "CALM DOWN? CALM DOWN? I'M COMPLETELY CALM!'' she said yelling like a lunatic.

"Yea Snow I can see that." I said. But that just set her off even more; "First you don't tell me that you and mom are all magicky and now you don't tell me about... well .....something." Snow was really starting to get on my nerves. I'm trying to protect her for God's sake. "Snow if you don't calm down right now I'll tell father that you told me that Regina and Daniel were together." I said threateningly. Snow looked at me and her anger was replaced by fear. "No Ellie please. Father would kill me. If he knew that he'd get Regina in trouble too. I couldn't do that to her, that's heartless." she said giving me a sad look.

Snow wasn't making this easy. If I told her about Regina that would put her in danger, and if I let her go on thinking Regina is her friend then that would allow Regina to get close to her which would also put her in danger. "Snow I'm going to tell you something." Snow then looked interested. "Well at least you're going to tell me something now. What is it?' Well I guess there was no turning back now. "Okay. but Snow this is something that you can't tell anyone about." Snow nodded her head in undertanding. "Okay the thing is, I don't trust Regina." Snow looked shocked. "But she saved my life and she's marrying father. How could we not trust our own stepmother?" said Snow questioningly. Well it was time to tell her. I had to do it. But I was still worried. "Okay Snow on the day that Regina was trying on her dress I heard her say...." and then our "stepmother" came in and told us that we should come back. I looked at her menacingly. Snow looked at me puzzled, proably wondering what I was going to say and then we let Regina lead us back to the reception.

After the wedding time went on. Snow never asked me about what I was going to say about Regina. Maybe she had forgotten; or maybe she just diddn't want to bring it up. Whatever it was we predended like the conversation never happened. But I still was near her most of the time. I still didn't trust Regina and I wasn't about to let her be alone with Snow. But as I said time went on. Me and Snow grew up. Eventually she turned 12 and then I turned 15. Things were going okay. Or as okay as it can get when you have a psychotic stepmother. But I just couldn't figure out though, why Regina said that she wanted to kill Snow. It didn't make sense. But then I figured it out; and the day I figured it out was the last day I would ever see my family again.

It started out as a normal day. Me and Snow and father and Regina eating breakfast, Snow begging my father to go out to the country to ride horses, Regina shooting my father a look that abviously said no. Just a normal day in the world. Except that day Regina decided to go out riding, which made Snow pretty mad by the look of her aura and her face. So Regina would be gone. I breathed a sigh of relief. I wouldn't have to watch Snow as closely today. But then I got an idea; what if I could go into Regina's room and find her diary? I saw her writing in it from time to time, but never thought much of it. What if she had wrote something in there about why she wanted to kill Snow. The plan was brilliant; I just had to wait until Regina was out of the palace. Finally, I would learn everything that I needed to know about her.

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