Chicago, My Brother, and My Dream

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"Hello" I said

"Casey, It's Jerry from the Chicago office. How quickly can you pack up and be here?" the voice on the other end of the phone said

" a few days. I've never timed myself while packing. Why? What's going on!" I said

"Casey you're being promoted to executive advertising manager of the Chicago office!"

"Oh my god!"

"You have to be here by the first of May, so you have about two weeks. Will that be enough time for you to get out here?"

"It should be!" I squealed. 

"Ok perfect. The firm but a hold on a few apartments. I will email you the listings and you can pick one out. I don't want to be pushy but if you could let me know by tomorrow morning that would be golden."

"Yeah that should work."

"Ok so when you get to Chicago just call me and I'll show you to your office, the house we have on reserve for you after you pick one of course, and such. Sound good?" Jerry asked

"It sounds better than good. Thank you so much Jerry!"

I just got thepromotion that I've always wanted. I was the Executive Ad Manger for BurrellCommunications! This felt like a dream. After my feet hit the ground, I started running around my apartment packing up my apartment. I packed up my tiny apartment whichtook about two days and then I packed up my car and headed to Chicago. 

I gotthere and the view was breath taking. I called Jerry when I got to town to findout where the apartment that I picked out was. I got to the apartment and my jaw dropped. This apartment was  twice the size of my last apartment and it was beautiful. I realized that I was a week earlierand I technically didn't work at Burrell until the following Monday. As I unpackedand called my brother. It just so happens that my brother is the first baseman for the Chicago Cubs.

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